Time killer websites?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2001
Beyond this site and bleacher sports I don't have many good sites to visit. Any suggestions?
Mr. Money Mustache. I've read every one of his posts dating back to 2011 and I found the site less than a year ago.

I'm not as hardcore as he (very few are) but I've used countless techniques and principles of his to help hack hedonic adaptation as I continue to live frugally (not cheap) while I pursue financial independence before the age of 40-45. Will I get there? Probably not, but I'll be a lot better off in my financial future if I try.
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Well I've now wasted about 30 minutes on this site so far. Good stuff.

If you haven't tried it, check it out. Pick a subject you are interested in and subscribe to that sub-reddit. For example, I spend a lot of down time on the ASOIAF sub-reddit, reading theories from other fans, as well as discussions of GRRM's writing style, etc.