Threats to the Squad exaggerated......

No surprise at all.

Anything to punk Trump is good to go.
Everyone is aware too.

His approval went UP after the not racist tweet.
While I agree with you 100% there is not a shred of racism in Trump’s tweet, I wonder if you agree with me that the tweets were completely inappropriate for any elected official to make? While it is not racist in the least it does contain a twinge of xenophobia which no political leader of one country should ever say about another, regardless of his personal feelings. The leader of a country should be expected always to be diplomatic in his public pronouncements regarding another country. I believe the president deserves to be denounced for what he said, not because it was racist but rather it was unacceptably undiplomatic. I wonder if you agree?
This is naive and outdated.

I think a true leader should give the people the unvarnished truth and if someone or some country gets their feelings hurt by the truth that's just to bad for them.
While I agree with you 100% there is not a shred of racism in Trump’s tweet, I wonder if you agree with me that the tweets were completely inappropriate for any elected official to make? While it is not racist in the least it does contain a twinge of xenophobia which no political leader of one country should ever say about another, regardless of his personal feelings. The leader of a country should be expected always to be diplomatic in his public pronouncements regarding another country. I believe the president deserves to be denounced for what he said, not because it was racist but rather it was unacceptably undiplomatic. I wonder if you agree?

The dems and the other forces of evil have set the rules regarding POTUS.
He's working literally under siege, and it would take something pretty heavy for me not to view him as the sympathetic character in the melodrama.
So far, he has yet to reach any level to warrant disdain from me.
If he does, I'll slam him as passionately as I defend him.

I'm not an automaton.
While I agree with you 100% there is not a shred of racism in Trump’s tweet, I wonder if you agree with me that the tweets were completely inappropriate for any elected official to make? While it is not racist in the least it does contain a twinge of xenophobia which no political leader of one country should ever say about another, regardless of his personal feelings. The leader of a country should be expected always to be diplomatic in his public pronouncements regarding another country. I believe the president deserves to be denounced for what he said, not because it was racist but rather it was unacceptably undiplomatic. I wonder if you agree?

I've gotten to where my view of Trumps tweets are the "Ghosts of spineless Republicans past" type deals. The libs/media got away with so many falsehoods previously he is shoving the crap back in their tail pipe. Who determines that the president is being "diplomatic"? Seriously, when the ex-rodent in chief talked about those bitter clingers, says a white police officer acted stupidly, you can keep your doctor/healthcare, defended Rev Wrights church and other such events he was never called out and certainly never accused of not being "diplomatic."

The media loves sycophants, just look at the path McCain took....from Maverick (laugh) to hassling people about calling the ex-rodent in chief by his middle name "Hussein" all to gain favor with the media. That worked while he was turning on those in his own party and right up until he ran for president. Then the long knifes came out. Since very few, if anything conservatives/R's do will mollify the D-Libs why try?

The left hates Trump for one beating the hildabeast and two because he doesn't roll over and take all the crap they shovel at him. Take the totality of news (and don't forget ESPN) channels, politicians, activist groups, foreign political socialists and so on that rain an unending parade of BS on him and well can't blame him for calling out these losers and their hypocrisy surrounding all DJT's Judases.

All that said he needs to start talking about the economy at some point, but continuing to frame the D-lib party as those 4 is really injurious to the overall effort of the 2020 candidates.
I've gotten to where my view of Trumps tweets are the "Ghosts of spineless Republicans past" type deals. The libs/media got away with so many falsehoods previously he is shoving the crap back in their tail pipe. Who determines that the president is being "diplomatic"? Seriously, when the ex-rodent in chief talked about those bitter clingers, says a white police officer acted stupidly, you can keep your doctor/healthcare, defended Rev Wrights church and other such events he was never called out and certainly never accused of not being "diplomatic."

The media loves sycophants, just look at the path McCain took....from Maverick (laugh) to hassling people about calling the ex-rodent in chief by his middle name "Hussein" all to gain favor with the media. That worked while he was turning on those in his own party and right up until he ran for president. Then the long knifes came out. Since very few, if anything conservatives/R's do will mollify the D-Libs why try?

The left hates Trump for one beating the hildabeast and two because he doesn't roll over and take all the crap they shovel at him. Take the totality of news (and don't forget ESPN) channels, politicians, activist groups, foreign political socialists and so on that rain an unending parade of BS on him and well can't blame him for calling out these losers and their hypocrisy surrounding all DJT's Judases.

All that said he needs to start talking about the economy at some point, but continuing to frame the D-lib party as those 4 is really injurious to the overall effort of the 2020 candidates.
Trump should shove those 4 and others up the entire democrat party's ass like a shared enema bag. All day every day.
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I agree that the president has faced unprecedented hostility from the moment he took office. He has every right to "fight back" against the numerous scurrilous charges that are leveled at him on a daily basis. Actually I applaud him for his feistiness. So I am not too concerned about his lack of decorum when it comes to the Gang of Four, the MSM, the "swamp," or any of them. My point is he should not be disparaging toward other countries or their governments, no matter how dysfunctional they might be. There is no advantage to be gained by insulting them. It unnecessarily creates enemies, and it causes leaders of other countries that have not been insulted, but are "on the bubble," to distrust anything we might say. If Trump wants to spew vile epithets against his local opponents, fine. But he should not drag other countries into his personal disputes. That's all I am saying.
The President has to be able to speak negatively about other countries. It's the only way they will even consider modifying bad behavior or policy.

We tried the appeasement route for many decades. It didn't work out so well in a lot of places.
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Doesn't seem like playing nice with others has been too helpful in past administrations. To wit, several previous ones on both sides of the aisle didn't get increased contributions from Europeans for NATO by being decorous. Same with NKorea. Nothing substantial has happened with NK thus far but it's been more than others have done the past 60+ years. Sometimes a velvet hammer is needed and other times a ball peen one needs to be swung.
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I agree that the president has faced unprecedented hostility from the moment he took office. He has every right to "fight back" against the numerous scurrilous charges that are leveled at him on a daily basis. Actually I applaud him for his feistiness. So I am not too concerned about his lack of decorum when it comes to the Gang of Four, the MSM, the "swamp," or any of them. My point is he should not be disparaging toward other countries or their governments, no matter how dysfunctional they might be. There is no advantage to be gained by insulting them. It unnecessarily creates enemies, and it causes leaders of other countries that have not been insulted, but are "on the bubble," to distrust anything we might say. If Trump wants to spew vile epithets against his local opponents, fine. But he should not drag other countries into his personal disputes. That's all I am saying.

I understand your feelings on Trump's sometimes rough treatment of some of our allies but these countries have not lived up to their part of the agreement and needed to be called out for it.
I understand your feelings on Trump's sometimes rough treatment of some of our allies but these countries have not lived up to their part of the agreement and needed to be called out for it.
Then leave it to the professional diplomats who do that sort of thing well. Trump looks bumbling by publicly embarrassing our allies over different things. You may say "great, a new approach" but they'll never respond to belligerence from Trump.

Do what works, not what feels good. If we all did that every day we'd be out of a job and lose friends, it's not a workable strategy in life.
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I understand your feelings on Trump's sometimes rough treatment of some of our allies but these countries have not lived up to their part of the agreement and needed to be called out for it.

Is it rough or just being honest? He called out our allies for not supporting NATO and many criticized him for it, and since Trump was elected our allies have made a larger commitment towards NATO. Unfortunately, it takes public pressure at times to make politicians change course.
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Then leave it to the professional diplomats who do that sort of thing well. Trump looks bumbling by publicly embarrassing our allies over different things. You may say "great, a new approach" but they'll never respond to belligerence from Trump.

Do what works, not what feels good. If we all did that every day we'd be out of a job and lose friends, it's not a workable strategy in life.

Do professional diplomats really have the best interest of the US or are they vested in the US as part of a wider "Global Community" playing by the same rules as say the EU? Since the responsibility of the US Diplomatic corp is to promulgate US Policy, do they do that presently or do they undermine the president. Have to figure when the ex-rodent in chief was in office the diplomatic folks were the toast of the town because what that moron was doing was making us weaker. Trump wants the US to be strong, so do they follow suite? I know some have been disgusted and resigned, good for them. You don't like the way the ship is sailing, then off at the next port.

The NATO thing has always rankled me, but it took Trump actually threatening to pull out of it for people to pay more to protect their own dam countries. How goofy is that? I think the world, allies included have gotten use to the US being looked at as the "Ultimate Sugardaddy" (kudos to Lewis Grizzard for that one), but once we say want our money/protection for your own dam citizens, time you kick in more. Then they do so, promise that is nothing a US Diplomat could get accomplished.

The reality is that, people just think the truth is to harsh and unforgiving these days. Yet much of his criticisms are pretty accurate, Somalia a shithole, well yes, what else would you describe it as? Bet anyone with any sense that could would leave, same with Haiti, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, just about any country in Africa and so on. Had a nice chat last week with one of the corporate reps from South Africa last week at our internationals sales gathering, he said whatever you read/see in the news, about South Africa, times it by 50 and that is a more accurate picture. The media is certainly not going to tell the truth, diplomatic corp yea don't think so, politicians definitely not, so who is or would? Anytime you put "career" & "politics/politician" in the same job path, you come up with people who don't want to offend anyone, generally can't accomplish anything and probably wouldn't mind seeing the US weakened significantly.
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Then leave it to the professional diplomats who do that sort of thing well. Trump looks bumbling by publicly embarrassing our allies over different things. You may say "great, a new approach" but they'll never respond to belligerence from Trump.

Do what works, not what feels good. If we all did that every day we'd be out of a job and lose friends, it's not a workable strategy in life.

The professionals that do that sort of thing are the same ones that allowed EU countries to welch on their commitments, the Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, the inept and feckless Iranian nuclear deal, TPP and the Paris Climate Accord just to name a few. Not exactly evidence that supports your side of the argument but on the side of verbally bitch slapping these countries we now have EU starting to meet their commitments, North Korean talks, a Chinese economy that is in trouble and an Iranian regime being forced to take desperate measures before they collapse.
While you may not have issues with the status que many of us do and appreciate a new approach and the positive results that approach has provided.
The professionals that do that sort of thing are the same ones that allowed EU countries to welch on their commitments, the Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, the inept and feckless Iranian nuclear deal, TPP and the Paris Climate Accord just to name a few. Not exactly evidence that supports your side of the argument but on the side of verbally bitch slapping these countries we now have EU starting to meet their commitments, North Korean talks, a Chinese economy that is in trouble and an Iranian regime being forced to take desperate measures before they collapse.
While you may not have issues with the status que many of us do and appreciate a new approach and the positive results that approach has provided.
I think you're quite liberal with pronouncing grand victory as a result of the tactics you favor. And the question was not about Trump's foreign policy as a whole, the commentary ITT has been about whether mean Tweets are effective. Which they clearly are not. Pissing on hundreds of years of diplomatic protocol, how things have always gotten done, doesn't make you a novel renegade, it makes you look like a rube. Dishing out insults to allies you're trying to influence is amateur hour. Try telling your customers how stupid they are for not buying more of your product or service, about which you may be 100% correct, and we all know how that would turn out.

You can applaud Trump's FP goals and also recognize that the way he's trying to accomplish them is pretty clumsy.
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I think you're quite liberal with pronouncing grand victory as a result of the tactics you favor. And the question was not about Trump's foreign policy as a whole, the commentary ITT has been about whether mean Tweets are effective. Which they clearly are not. Pissing on hundreds of years of diplomatic protocol, how things have always gotten done, doesn't make you a novel renegade, it makes you look like a rube. Dishing out insults to allies you're trying to influence is amateur hour. Try telling your customers how stupid they are for not buying more of your product or service, about which you may be 100% correct, and we all know how that would turn out.

You can applaud Trump's FP goals and also recognize that the way he's trying to accomplish them is pretty clumsy.

I'm not one that gives a damn about style, all I care about is results. If people get their feelings hurt because they are told the truth, that is their problem.
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