Those antifa tourists charged with seditious conspiracy.

Just another slow-mo unraveling of MAGA talking points/gaslighting.

Only MAGA was dumb enough. Flying trump flags, cameras rolling, like dogs chasing a car. Wtf did you guys think would happen ultimately? Flailey? Whari? FiFi? Why are they so gd dumb and violent?
Look it's Ralphie all grown up and propagandized.


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Just another slow-mo unraveling of MAGA talking points/gaslighting.

Only MAGA was dumb enough. Flying trump flags, cameras rolling, like dogs chasing a car. Wtf did you guys think would happen ultimately? Flailey? Whari? FiFi? Why are they so gd dumb and violent?
What a stupid plan. Hey you guys, let’s overthrow the federal government. We only need like, 50 of us, right? Who’s afraid of tanks? Not me! Idiots.

I found this also interesting: "All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough.”
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@Syskatine I am too tired to look up the charging documents right now. And I haven’t read the federal conspiracy statutes. But I’m assuming that a conspiracy charge is going to require a “substantial“ step towards the commission if the crime. My initial observation is that the government is relying on the making of a firearms cache in the motel as being that substantial step. Is that what you’re thinking?
What a stupid plan. Hey you guys, let’s overthrow the federal government. We only need like, 50 of us, right? Who’s afraid of tanks? Not me! Idiots.

I found this also interesting: "All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough.”
And this is who Trump relied on to deliver his coup. What a maroon.
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And this is who Trump relied on to deliver his coup. What a maroon.
The “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough” statement seems to contradict this premise.
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The “All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough” statement seems to contradict this premise.
Just because they didn't realize they were Trump tools, doesn't mean they weren't Trump tools - that dude is known for playing 4D chess and #whatnot.
@wyomingosualum I haven't really had occasion to learn much on this sedition law until MAGA came along..... the firearms aren't gonna help much, you wouldn't think.

Agreed -- they were like a dog chasing a car. Assume they got a bunch of politicians captive or killed them. Now what? Pass some laws with the republicans and Trump squat in the WH?

They're like Flailey --- they don't really think abstractly. Congress is bad, take it and make some good Pro-Trump laws. They flailed their way into some looooong, longly nights.
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Just because they didn't realize they were Trump tools, doesn't mean they weren't Trump tools - that dude is known for playing 4D chess and #whatnot.
They were probably intending to install Biden.
LOL moron criminals and MAGA.... like salt and pepper and peas and carrots.

Can't imagine having this served with every. effin. meal. God it must get old.
It was a mostly peaceful protest. Git yer panties out of a wad, Lot Lizard.
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It was a mostly peaceful protest. Git yer panties out of a wad, Lot Lizard.

Its like they have to keep reeeeeeeeeeing about it to make themselves actually believe it was a coup.
@my_2cents can fill us all in on Sedition. His Socialist Hero Lil Debs the guy in his avatar was convicted of Sedition and went to Prison.
It was a mostly peaceful protest. Git yer panties out of a wad, Lot Lizard.
LOL he's got that thick, Flailey, "Lemme get my reeeeeally moronic thoughts out there, because since they sound good in my incel head, everyone must think so."

Confession much? Smart peeps. Maybe you should listen and watch and learn how not to think? Dumbass? Can you do that or are you so thick and incel like this guy you're just too far gone?
It was a mostly peaceful protest. Git yer panties out of a wad, Lot Lizard.

1. :MFAO so? Irrelevant. You act like that matters. Stupid talking point.

2. No it wasn't. I've seen the footage. Clumsy, stupid, lie. They same kind of clumsy, stupid lies that gullible people just like you believe. Rinse and repeat. Ya'll never learn.
1. :MFAO so? Irrelevant. You act like that matters. Stupid talking point.

2. No it wasn't. I've seen the footage. Clumsy, stupid, lie. They same kind of clumsy, stupid lies that gullible people just like you believe. Rinse and repeat. Ya'll never learn.
Some people did some things. So what?
LOL he's got that thick, Flailey, "Lemme get my reeeeeally moronic thoughts out there, because since they sound good in my incel head, everyone must think so."

Confession much? Smart peeps. Maybe you should listen and watch and learn how not to think? Dumbass? Can you do that or are you so thick and incel like this guy you're just too far gone?
They were simply following the recommendations of your Dear Party's groupthink leaders. Quit being such a little twat about it.

Just like clockwork. The FBI/DOJ gets reemed out on Capital Hill about no sedition charges and 48 hours later 10 nobodies are charged with sedition.

Talk about pathetic, the FBI and DOJ have become laughing stocks.
Lol he sides with the insurrectionists.

Anything to support fascism.
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Is no one questioning the timing of all of this? Biden and the Democrat have just had one the worst weeks any President in history has had and they coincidentally rolls this out? Yea I'm not buying it. Like everything else Democrats so it's all political and designed to manipulate the ignorant from watching what is really going on.
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Updated list of people charged with sedition/insurrection:


I love how they circulate these FOX talking points to try and defend their criminality and stupidity. Tell Massah Hannity it's both irrelevant and untrue. People were even charged yesterday with seditious conspiracy.

Leave it to MAGA to change the public dialogue to the technical distinctions between sedition and insurrection. That's the dialogue MAGA brings to the table.

Proud of the ham-fisted attempt to overturn an election and introduce fascism?

738 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.
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Leave it to MAGA to change the public dialogue to the technical distinctions between sedition and insurrection. That's the dialogue MAGA brings to the table.

Oh the flailing and wailing. Do you need a tissue, Queefa?
Lol he sides with the insurrectionists.

Anything to support fascism.
First of all, only idiots believe what went on Jan. 6 was an insurrection, 72 percent of people polled (NBC poll that they tried to hide the results) thinks it was a protest that got out of hand, which it was.

Anyone who trespassed or destroyed property should be prosecuted. All the rest of this is political theater.
Just another slow-mo unraveling of MAGA talking points/gaslighting.
Why does the fed feel the need to slow-mo this roll out? Its almost like, 'oh no, there's bad news for Biden in the media, today', lets roll out another Jan. 6th arrest. But I guess it got the Biden's Supreme Court shellacking out of the news cycle, so congrats. And to think, you complain that its the Republicans who do the gaslighting.
First of all, only idiots believe what went on Jan. 6 was an insurrection, 72 percent of people polled (NBC poll that they tried to hide the results) thinks it was a protest that got out of hand, which it was.

Anyone who trespassed or destroyed property should be prosecuted. All the rest of this is political theater.
As much as I appreciate you resorting to public polling to determine what the truth is (that's sooooo republican) I'm content to view facts and evidence instead of letting right wing spin meisters feed the cult. Did you read the indictment? No, cant see over your bottom lip thats sticking out, can you?
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I mean, look at their talking points. Theyre so dumb. Just anything to defend their team and undermine the prosecution, lol. Hume makes an asinine point to defend the fascists, I see where ya'll get it.

I love how they circulate these FOX talking points to try and defend their criminality and stupidity. Tell Massah Hannity it's both irrelevant and untrue. People were even charged yesterday with seditious conspiracy.

Leave it to MAGA to change the public dialogue to the technical distinctions between sedition and insurrection. That's the dialogue MAGA brings to the table.

Proud of the ham-fisted attempt to overturn an election and introduce fascism?

738 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.
3:14 PM CST. Updated list of the people charged with sedition (and not some BS process crime that sounds the same to dumbasses):


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