This pains me to say

Do we know why Garth said no? Perhaps they wanted him to perform for free? Maybe it was a scheduling event? Call me crazy, but I'd give the man a hall pass until I know all the facts. After all, he is an alum.
Do we know why Garth said no? Perhaps they wanted him to perform for free? Maybe it was a scheduling event? Call me crazy, but I'd give the man a hall pass until I know all the facts. After all, he is an alum.
The President asked. He said no.
Very likely this thread gets moved. Sorry.

Garth mostly sticks to his roots he put down while becoming the country Elvis these days.
Switzer was behind Keith doing this. Keith, being the ultimate jock sniffer had to do what Switzer said.
and his restaurant sucks...
On the list with billy sims & raising cains as places I will not go. Nice he played the inauguration though he did that for Switzer & nobody else. I hate Toby & dislike Garth.
Garth is a great guy. Toby is a douche and likes to make profits on the backs of our soldiers then pretends to be patriotic.

I laughed.

But when you think about it, I'm advocating that the Corral not be THAT much of a safe space.

And as an aside, as I sit in the office and consider that and grown adults have to talk in whispers and shady corners about the swearing in of a President, I think we could all use fewer safe spaces and learn to deal with differing opinions like grownups and not members of a tribe.

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