This one is for CowboyUp. Boston Herald - How would Joe Biden handle COVID-19 crisis.


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015

How would Joe Biden handle COVID-19 crisis?

Many Democrats and much of the media claim that President Trump has mishandled and continues to mishandle the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

But a Johns Hopkins study found the United States is better prepared for a pandemic than any other country. Released in October 2019, the Global Health Security Index examined 195 countries on their preparedness and ability to handle an epidemic or pandemic. It found: “No country is fully prepared for epidemics or pandemics, and every country has important gaps to address.”

No, Trump did not cut funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among those pushing this untruth is former Vice President Joe Biden, who said, “They’ve cut the funding for the CDC.” Trump proposed a CDC cut, but Congress disagreed. wrote: “It’s misleading at best to claim Trump ‘slashed funding,’ when his proposals haven’t taken effect. For instance, Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal would have reduced CDC funding by $750.6 million, compared with what was enacted for fiscal 2019. … But Congress passed, and Trump signed, a budget that increased CDC funding by $420 million.”

Nor is it true that Trump “fired” the head of a pandemic response team that the president allegedly dissolved. Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg claimed: “And one of the great problems today, you read about the virus, what’s really happening here is the president fired the pandemic specialist in this country two years ago. So there’s nobody here to figure out what the hell we should be doing.” Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer, to whom Bloomberg referred, was the senior director of the National Security Council’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense. About Ziemer, said: “Just because Ziemer’s position was discontinued does not mean everyone who was part of the team was fired or that all of the functions of the directorate ceased. According to reporting by the Atlantic and the Washington Post, some team members were shifted to other groups, and others took over some of Ziemer’s duties. An NSC spokesman at the time said that the administration ‘remains committed to global health, global health security and biodefense, and will continue to address these issues with the same resolve under the new structure.'” Ziemer is now senior deputy assistant administrator at the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Nor did Trump refer to the coronavirus a “hoax,” as claimed by The New York Times’ reporter David Leonhardt; Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio; Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown; and Biden, among numerous Democrats and members of the media. In an edited political ad, Biden made the assertion.

But The Washington Post Fact Checker gave the Trump-called-the-coronavirus-a-hoax story four Pinocchios, as bad as score as the Post gives: “At the 10-second mark, the camera shows a tight shot of the president saying ‘coronavirus’ and then cuts to a wide shot where he says, ‘this is their new hoax.’ Both clips are from Trump’s Feb. 28 campaign rally in North Charleston, S.C., but he never said ‘coronavirus, this is their new hoax.’ Rather, Biden’s ad clipped a large part of Trump’s speech to make it seem as though he had.”

What would Biden do that Trump isn’t already doing? Biden recently tweeted: “It’s hard to believe this has to be said, but if I’m elected president, I will always lead the way with science. I will listen to the experts and heed their advice. I will do the opposite of what we’re seeing Donald Trump do every day.” To that end, Biden has been giving interviews and holding coronavirus briefings broadcast from his home studio in Wilmington, Del.

Some of Biden’s insights:

“I was literally on the phone at least three to four hours a day with my team talking about the detail implementation. How do we get the money? Where do we do? Who do we go to? Where do we — who do we ask for, etc.?"

About Trump’s plea that we remain in our homes to the extent practical, Biden said: “Look, none of us want to be cooped up in our homes just as the weather is turning nice. … It’s unfair to all of us. And it’s unnecessary for all of us. But it’s necessary, in fact. It’s necessary for all of us to have to deal with it.”

Trump is registering the best approval ratings of his presidency. A recent Gallup poll showed Trump’s job approval ratings at 49%. For the Trump haters who hoped that Trump’s response to the pandemic would sink Trump’s reelection prospects, it’s not going according to plan.

Larry Elder is a syndicated columnist.
Billy was having trouble in school. His teacher constantly yelled at him; "You're driving me crazy, Billy! Can't you learn anything?"

Billy's mother met with his teacher at fall conferences.

The teacher told her Billy was a disaster, getting the lowest marks of any of her students and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant little boy in all of her teaching career.

Billy's mom, shocked at this feedback, withdrew her son immediately and moved from Detroit to Cleveland.

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with a severe cardiac disease.

Her doctors advised open heart surgery and that only one surgeon in the Cleveland Clinic could perform the procedure.

The teacher decided to have the procedure, which was remarkably successful.

In the recovery room, she saw the young doctor who headed her surgical team, smiling down at her.

She wanted to thank him.

Instead, her face suddenly turned blue as she tried to speak and then she quickly died.

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went suddenly wrong.

When the doctor turned to leave the room, he saw that Billy, the janitor at the Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

If you thought that Billy had become a heart-surgeon, there is a good chance you'll vote for Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden!
Billy was having trouble in school. His teacher constantly yelled at him; "You're driving me crazy, Billy! Can't you learn anything?"

Billy's mother met with his teacher at fall conferences.

The teacher told her Billy was a disaster, getting the lowest marks of any of her students and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant little boy in all of her teaching career.

Billy's mom, shocked at this feedback, withdrew her son immediately and moved from Detroit to Cleveland.

25 years later, the teacher was diagnosed with a severe cardiac disease.

Her doctors advised open heart surgery and that only one surgeon in the Cleveland Clinic could perform the procedure.

The teacher decided to have the procedure, which was remarkably successful.

In the recovery room, she saw the young doctor who headed her surgical team, smiling down at her.

She wanted to thank him.

Instead, her face suddenly turned blue as she tried to speak and then she quickly died.

The doctor was shocked, wondering what went suddenly wrong.

When the doctor turned to leave the room, he saw that Billy, the janitor at the Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.

If you thought that Billy had become a heart-surgeon, there is a good chance you'll vote for Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden!

I was so hoping for a feel good story to ride this trying times out......hahahahahah, too dam funny though.
I was so hoping for a feel good story to ride this trying times out......hahahahahah, too dam funny though.
My inbox is filled with all sorts of funny memes but I don't have a hosting service (photobucket, Imgur) to send them to. Nor do I want to sign up since most are charging now---some, obscene amounts.
Tell the American people The Truth instead of saying nothing for a month then lying to us that a miracle was fixing to happen and number of cases would soon go from 15 to zero.
Tell the American people The Truth instead of saying nothing for a month then lying to us that a miracle was fixing to happen and number of cases would soon go from 15 to zero.

So basically, you have nothing to offer. I already knew that. Thanks for playing.
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Don’t be slapping high fives and handshakes at the WH Press briefing after doctors have said don’t do that because it’s costing people their lives...
Move Heaven and Earth from Day 1:

Don’t be a hoarder.

Mobilize Federal Government and Military from day one to be a delivery service for medical supplies anywhere requested by state and local officials to keep more people from dying. THose assets belong to the American people not to Jared.
Move Heaven and Earth from Day 1:

Don’t be a hoarder.

Mobilize Federal Government and Military from day one to be a delivery service for medical supplies anywhere requested by state and local officials to keep more people from dying. THose assets belong to the American people not to Jared.

All that typing, and not a single new idea to handle the crisis better.
Move Heaven and Earth from Day 1:

Don’t be a hoarder.

Mobilize Federal Government and Military from day one to be a delivery service for medical supplies anywhere requested by state and local officials to keep more people from dying. THose assets belong to the American people not to Jared.
So the only real action you propose is to do exactly what the Trump admin did - just quicker. Damn, your foresight was awesome when you were supporting the racist travel ban to China. o_O

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