I bet you can’t read this without commenting! After all, it’s critical of your boy DJT, and it is well established you must defend your boy at all costs!
So far I’ve only read this first paragraph and already know this person has a bias. Just read the tone. He isn’t giving Trump any credit for eventually coming to the right conclusion.
Can you not see the bias in this?
Undoubtedly, President Trump is fantasizing about the possibility of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for deciding at the last minute to not bomb Iran in retaliation for Iran’s shoot-down of a Pentagon drone. Apparently experiencing a crisis of conscience, Trump called off the strike when he learned that it would kill an estimated 150 people, which he decided would be disproportionate to the downing of an unmanned drone.
I continued reading despite my initial findings of bias. The article got worse from there. Not just about trump but about pretty much everything he wrote.
And yet he stumbled on the correct answer in the end.
There is but one solution to all this mayhem:
Restore America’s founding principles of a limited-government republic and its founding foreign policy of non-interventionism. That’s the way to restore peace, prosperity, morality, harmony, normality, fiscal responsibility, and freedom to our land.
I will say that nowhere in the Constitution does it dictate a non-interventionism foreign policy. He’s projecting his own personal preference there.