This is why Trump under polls significantly.....


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
Saw this in a comment on the 2020 election...

Austin Liberal
Austin, TXJuly 20
I detest Trump. He is a bloviating bullying boor. His actions are despicable. BUT: If the Democratic party platform does not include absolute control of our borders, deporting illegals quickly, denying entry to those claiming asylum without their having clear evidence of being victims of at least one of the five accepted justifications for that status -- if they go soft on border control -- I will hold my nose, vote for Trump -- and never, ever, admit that to my friends and neighbors. Hear all, y'all: The invasion must be stopped. By all and any means possible.

31 Recommend

I know Republicans that voted for Trump and still to this day deny voting for him to Dim friends and one I know was called for a recent poll and kept his vote private and said he would vote Democratic.

Many who voted for Trump do not want to get involved in the hateful identity politics of the Dims with their friends, and I know if I was called for a poll on the election I would keep my vote private as well. I actually believe having Trump under poll helps him, it keeps his base motivated to vote. Obviously, this was the polling trend in 2016 as well and it was massive. No one factors this in to the polling numbers, Trump might be the first candidate that those who support him do so in private and not to friends and pollsters.
Saw this in a comment on the 2020 election...

Austin Liberal
Austin, TXJuly 20
I detest Trump. He is a bloviating bullying boor. His actions are despicable. BUT: If the Democratic party platform does not include absolute control of our borders, deporting illegals quickly, denying entry to those claiming asylum without their having clear evidence of being victims of at least one of the five accepted justifications for that status -- if they go soft on border control -- I will hold my nose, vote for Trump -- and never, ever, admit that to my friends and neighbors. Hear all, y'all: The invasion must be stopped. By all and any means possible.

31 Recommend

I know Republicans that voted for Trump and still to this day deny voting for him to Dim friends and one I know was called for a recent poll and kept his vote private and said he would vote Democratic.

Many who voted for Trump do not want to get involved in the hateful identity politics of the Dims with their friends, and I know if I was called for a poll on the election I would keep my vote private as well. I actually believe having Trump under poll helps him, it keeps his base motivated to vote. Obviously, this was the polling trend in 2016 as well and it was massive. No one factors this in to the polling numbers, Trump might be the first candidate that those who support him do so in private and not to friends and pollsters.
This and they over sample dems and independents in each poll. Conversely, they under sample repubes.

I've never registered with any political party. I rarely get called to participate in a poll.

I can't prove it but I suspect the polling outfits call a large number of those in their databases who have responded to polls previously. We're told that greed in a hallmark of all businesses, return calling to those who have participated in the past minimizes the time needed to get their 1,000 respondents and maximizes revenue.
I can't believe in the age of Trump there are so many pansies that don't publically voice their support.

Disagree. It used to be that politics were just one attribute, but for 2016, being Anti-Trump became the only attribute. If you weren't, then you were the enemy. There are tons of stories about families who can't talk to each other because someone voiced their 'vote' for Trump. Society no longer accepts "agree to disagree" norms. Its become: "If you are the wrong ideology, then you're evil."
I shout to the world who I vote for and why.

What I know: Punch drunk whites would not tell Gallup how they really felt about a failing Obama, for fear of being charged with racism. Gallup would never bother to call my kind. We speak up.

I looked very closely at a Quinnipiac Poll that favored Biden beating Trump in Texas by 2. Very small print at the bottom was way over weighted Dimm. I'm surprised Biden wasn't up by 15.
How did President Trump under poll? The polls were were right on, the problem was they counted what would have been the popular vote, which Trump lost, don't know how we would poll the Electoral College
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How did President Trump under poll? The polls were were right on, the problem was they counted what would have been the popular vote, which Trump lost, don't know how we would poll the Electoral College
Oh there's a way to sample the electoral college results. The USC Dornsife poll nailed the 2016 election. Check out how they do it. Democrats didn't like the poll because it didn't give them the results they wanted.
How did President Trump under poll? The polls were were right on, the problem was they counted what would have been the popular vote, which Trump lost, don't know how we would poll the Electoral College

BS, the polls MSM spewed never had the popular vote that close and literally the night before the election said Hillary had over a 90% chance of winning, MSM was laughing at Trump over the polls, they acted like no reason to even have an election.
The Girlfriends oldest sister posted on FB that she voted for Trump after the election and her own Son thats about 28 went off on a rant acting like a child about her and Trump and said he could not believe his Mother voted for Trump.
I didn't like him before that happened, spoiled brat and its his Mothers fault tho. Typical lefty, always whines and complains about everything even what type of Food we have at Family gatherings but he and his snooty wife never bring a damn thing nor ever says thanks to everyone that did bring a dish, but his fat ass sure eats a lot and always takes a to go plate home.
BS, the polls MSM spewed never had the popular vote that close and literally the night before the election said Hillary had over a 90% chance of winning, MSM was laughing at Trump over the polls, they acted like no reason to even have an election.
The polls were still within the margin of error
I knowingly put false statements out in a forum and attach them to those who I disagree with in order to further my racially divisive rhetoric in an attempt to gain a political advantage. I so enjoy tagging anyone I can with a "white nationalist racist" label in the hopes of creating even more hate and even more lives taken in order to advance my personal political beliefs. Trump must be taken out at all costs, those impacted and hurt is for the greater good."

Yup, you are one sick individual.
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How did President Trump under poll? The polls were were right on, the problem was they counted what would have been the popular vote, which Trump lost, don't know how we would poll the Electoral College

Yep. I came down to some key precincts in some swing states.
Whether you're gonna be charged is the relevant inquiry to you? That's more dunce mass killer thinking, right there.

Your too dumb to get the point. Somehow you think I have blood on my hands. Somehow you think I should have a guilty conscience. Somehow you think believing in strong borders is creating murders, and the blog I posted from it was a Dem saying that it is crazy for wide open borders.

Your the only one pushing a hate filled dialogue and blaming people for a shooting who had zero to do it with it.
You published the same talking points and think like the shooter, not me.


That is some seriously retarded thinking Sys. But explains a lot.

You coming to the tailgate or not? You need to come. I will personally vouch for your safety and overall good time.
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You coming to the tailgate or not? You need to come. I will personally vouch for your safety and overall good time.
He won’t come to the tailgate. He’s too scared of all the white nationals running around.
Your too dumb to get the point. Somehow you think I have blood on my hands. Somehow you think I should have a guilty conscience. Somehow you think believing in strong borders is creating murders, and the blog I posted from it was a Dem saying that it is crazy for wide open borders.

Your the only one pushing a hate filled dialogue and blaming people for a shooting who had zero to do it with it.

There’s a stark difference between wanting strong borders and believing a group of people are invaders and/or an infestation on America. And you know it.

“Sick individual”
I love legal immigration, absolutely love it. So, you for illegal immigration and open borders?

If you “love legal immigration”, why have you NEVER made a post about Trump’s actions restricting legal immigration to America?

It’s called Trump Deification Syndrome
I neither love nor hate legal immigration, but it should be implemented, or restrained, in a manner that works to the greatest benefit of existing US citizens. Ie. Merit-based immigration.

They need to be able to get a job when they get here, they need to do enough to verify this.
Do you even realize how many unfilled jobs there are in this country? Who’s gonna fill em?

Answer my question, that is how this works. You do not get to control the conversation. I am about to put you back on ignore. You still living at home? God I hope not, guess with your degree even illegal immigrants can find better work than you.

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