This IS not draining the swamp.

McConnell needs to go. He said it was Trump's fault that Obamacare wasn't repealed and other legislation hasn't passed because Trump is moving "too fast".
The only way that the swamp has any chance of ever getting drained is to install a term-limit drain in it.
How true. They tried once during the Clinton administration only to be shot down by the Supremes in 1995. As I recall, they said there were already term limits on Congress since they stood for reelection every 2 (Congressmen) or 6 years (Senators). Any change to that must occur via Constitutional amendment which is unlikely for these critters to propose.

Another method is for 2/3 of the States (34) to form a Constitutional Convention. This may not be that far off as 29 of the States have passed legislation asking for such and Wisconsin is close to being the 30th state.

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