This is Hilarious Hyperventilating

Get this Senator a fainting couch. He's correct, actually, just mistaken as to whom is playing the role of Joe McCarthy.
Why is it that the same idiots are constantly paraded out by the Dems.

Blumenthal, Schiff CNN can't wait to get their take on anything Trump/Russia.

Blumenthal's character is so low he lied for years about his war time military service and there is no need to point out how ridiculous Schiff is anyone with brain cells can see what a douche nozzle he is. CNN getting real time leaks from congressional closed door hearing with Donald Trump Jr. and who kept leaving the room, the honorable Adam Schiff. That is a federal crime.
again with the ole sources and methods get out of jail free card

blumenthal sounds like he should be hosting a painting show on public television

the fbi should put the word out to shif blumenthal and pelosi to quit pushing it

of course now that the fbi realizes how little traction S&M is getting them they are pushing veracity
If you read the most recent objection to the memo put forth by the FBI, they have dropped "sources and methods" bit.
Then they moved on to inaccuracies and that didn't work. Today, it's the mean old GOP "secretly altered" words/phrases in the memo. Tomorrow, it will be the memo was written on a Mac and not a PC.