This doesn't jive

Leaders are terrified the population will unite against them. The last thing leaders want is a united population.
Leaders are terrified the population will unite against them. The last thing leaders want is a united population.
This. He's part of the "do as I say, not as I do crowd" and while us Americans seem to accept that from our leaders, the British are about ready to revolt over it.
Now libturd POS Oregon dropping mandates.

Could say the narrative is changing- I don't quite buy it yet- me thinks the globalists are up to something.

So now most states and countries just all the sudden, even after they tried the scariants delta and omicron and whatever else BS they could throw at the sheep -
Just doesn't jive.

Hope I'm wrong and this BS is ending- but they have to have this to push their ballot harvesting and steal the elections - unless they think they already have them stolen ....or there's another something coming.
Now libturd POS Oregon dropping mandates.

Could say the narrative is changing- I don't quite buy it yet- me thinks the globalists are up to something.

So now most states and countries just all the sudden, even after they tried the scariants delta and omicron and whatever else BS they could throw at the sheep -
Just doesn't jive.

Hope I'm wrong and this BS is ending- but they have to have this to push their ballot harvesting and steal the elections - unless they think they already have them stolen ....or there's another something coming.
Don't try to overthink it as it is really simple, there is an election coming up. They see the poll numbers and just how bad they are. They understand they have to change directions if they stand any chance of not being blown out in both State and Federal elections. Remember, Democrats don't give a shit about anything but power.
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