This day in global warming history


MegaPoke is insane
Jul 31, 2014
Parts Unknown
It is too late. We are doomed. Climate change--don't confuse climate & weather--weather is to climate as hot, sticky asphalt is to highways-- if it had been stopped 2 weeks ago last Tuesday, we may have had a chance. But, it is now too late; we are doomed.

I recently bought 1000 shares of Coppertone, expecting the increase in value, as the atmosphere heats, to at least finance a shade tree for me.

53 days of 100 degree heat, with only 1.12 inches of rain! Doomed, I tell you, doomed!! Kansas, this day in 1936.
Pretty nice out there right now. Light northerly breeze. Hear it's going to warm up a little later today. I like the heat.
They have moved the goal post so often the playing field looks like a prairie dog town. When all these losers coalesce around a consistent set of outcomes and their models can be repeated by other the immortal words of Sheriff Buford T Justice.
A bunch of pansies being produced all over the world.

I can actually remember playing baseball in Texas summer heat all day long every day and then going home to change into a wool uniform to play a game at night. Now, players are upset if they are forced to play in anything less than an enclosed stadium. Of course, pitchers used to pitch 9 innings and throw 150 pitches a game but are now too fragile to last more than a couple of innings or batters.

And some university somewhere is no longer going to call the History they teach History since "His" is gender specific and offends people.

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