These two rats

The Justice system in this country is no longer about Justice, it's about coming to a predetermine outcome by those in power.

had to get worse before it can get better

you can subjugate these fools to the law in ways you couldn’t 4/8 years ago

more info on the pakistani spy imran awan the dnc tech boy who debbie wasserman schulz used to monitor dem congressional emails for starters

the researcher deserves a follow

Awan bros are where you Q guys should have been focused all along. I think Seth Rich was a distraction.

Rush Limbaugh, of all people, was the first to correctly point out that the transfer speeds from the DNC servers were too fast to have been done over the internet. The speeds were consistent with a device connected via USB. DNC 'hack' was done on site. Either means Rich or Awan bros. One was shot in the back, the others were immediately shipped out of the country by Babblermouth Schultz.