There's a case of mental illness wandering this board tonight.

Definitely the kind of guy you'd want a solid background check for.

And want nowhere in the vicinity of sedated patients.

*** nods head ***

Props to the real posters who's handles he forges. It means they got so deeply into his head, he had nothing else he could do. A mark of total frustration and defeat. Each one is a trophy to the original poster.
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OK, this is the first (and last) time I'll mention OU here, but it's appropriate. Way back when... when Owen Field got it's first video scoreboard, it was the first game of the season, and as the team ran out on the field, the scoreboard read, "Ladies and gentlemen, YOU'RE OKLAHOMA SOONERS !"
I’m guessing that stayed for years.
Dude, you got banned again? For what?

This is like a Medic Inception

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