There are 3 Dims that need to go, Rashida is one of them...

Going to be hard for Pelosi and Hoyer to let this one slide. Agree though, she is a moron and given her past she has been elected by a number of similar minded people and needs to be vanquished from congress. See if the voters in Minnesota have any backbone.
The story is being totally ignored by CNN, CBS, ABC, etc. No mention of it. Pelosi and Hoyer are on Easy Street.

You know 22LR, in a "calming sort of way" I hope they keep ignoring it for the time being. They have become the aiders and abettors of "The Echo Chamber Party," and the longer they stick their heads in the sand, both political activist masquerading as journalists and the whores in congress, the worse its going to be when they do actually start reporting any of this and or the shenanigans wrought by the left to stop DJT. Its like they all operate and are controlled by one brain.
id at ben jamm cause we talked about this
but it’s no use

anti israeli is different than anti semitic

orange man bad is the liberal blanky

i’ve seen enough

is trump and his “divisiveness” still the issue @Been Jammin

pelosi is now defending your muslim anti-semite party people
otard was nuclear arming a country bent on destroying israel

does orange man bad pearl clutching
still rule the day?

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