The usual Democrat playbook...RAYCIST!!!!!

How much longer is the black community going to keep falling for the Democrats racism game? You would think after 60 years of being decimated by Democrat policies they would figure it out or maybe Democrats are right the back community is stupid. I have a hard time believing black people are stupid, but the evidence is starting to work against my beliefs.
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How much longer is the black community going to keep falling for the Democrats racism game? You would think after 60 years of being decimated by Democrat policies they would figure it out or maybe Democrats are right the back community is stupid.
First, Democrats don't think the black community is stupid. That would be you, as you even alluded to in your own post.

Second, the vast majority of black Americans vote Democrat because it has been the Democratic Party that has helped their communities more so than the Republican Party over the past sixty some years. And they know this. They know which party is out to help them and which party could care less about them.

I have no doubt though that you will never understand this.

I have a hard time believing black people are stupid, but the evidence is starting to work against my beliefs.
And there it.

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First, Democrats don't think the black community is stupid. That would be you, as you even alluded to in your own post.

Second, the vast majority of black Americans vote Democrat because it has been the Democratic Party that has helped their communities more so than the Republican Party over the past sixty some years. And they know this. They know which party is out to help them and which party could care less about them.

I have no doubt though that you will never understand this.

And there it.

After 60 years of Democrats helping the black community, I'm not sure it can take any more of Democrats help before they are completely decimated.
First, Democrats don't think the black community is stupid. That would be you, as you even alluded to in your own post.

Actually, the Democratic party's big push is to eliminate any kind of voter ID laws. Their argument is that the black community cannot get a driver's license or FREE voter ID at the local DMV. As a minority myself, I find this VERY OFFENSIVE and RACIST (as do many others). It's similar to Biden saying poor (black) kids are almost as smart as white kids.

In other words, they're insinuating the black community is too dumb to figure it out. How does this not sound racist to you? Listen when he interviews the black community and how they take offense to him even asking if they have a driver's license (starts at about 1:30).

Last edited: Americans vote Democrat because it has been the Democratic Party that has helped their communities more so than the Republican Party over the past sixty some years. And they know this. They know which party is out to help them and which party could care less about them.

So what has Biden and the Democratic party done for the black community?

Here is what Trump did for the black community & other minorities during his 4 years. Don't take my word for it, do your own research.

1) opportunity zones

2) funding for all black colleges

3) criminal justice reform

4) school vouchers

5) lowest unemployment rate for the black & Hispanic communities (before Covid-19)

6) inner city Envision Centers

7) executive order on police reform (National database, banning choke holds, responding to scenes with other clinical professionals, and so much more)

8) healthcare reform (executive order to keep pre-existing condition coverage, executive order for healthcare cost transparency, executive order fo the right to try for terminally ill patients, executive order to help lower drug prices by using pharmaceutical favored nation status costs)

Trump: School choice is today's civil rights issue

Trump signs executive order on police reform
I'm not sure it can take any more of Democrats help before they are completely decimated.
They are not completely decimated. What in the world are you talking about?

Black Americans have made great strides over the last sixty years, thanks to policies that Democrats have enacted (with their support).

The fact that you can't understand this is exactly why most black Americans don't support your political party.
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Black Americans have made great strides over the last sixty years, thanks to policies that Democrats have enacted (with their support).

Please enlighten all of us on these policies. I would love to read about them.

1) Now let's hear from Joe Biden, who we all know is a perfect saint, expressing how he really feels. I'll bet most people will not be able to stomach watching more than one minute.

2) Judge Joe Brown goes off on Joe Biden for his first hand account of Joe's racism AND also goes after Kamala Harris.

3) Trump vs Biden on RACISM

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They are not completely decimated. What in the world are you talking about?

Black Americans have made great strides over the last sixty years, thanks to policies that Democrats have enacted (with their support).

The fact that you can't understand this is exactly why most black Americans don't support your political party.
If the black community has made such great strides as you say, why are they rioting in all of the Democrat run states and cities. According to Democrats, black people are being hunted down by white people, black people cannot compete for jobs, education opportunities, housing or anything else and all of this after 60 years of Democrats helping the black community. Either the Democrats narrative is wrong and purely political, or the black community has benefitted from Democrats help. You can't have it both ways so please pick one and stick with it.
How much longer is the black community going to keep falling for the Democrats racism game? You would think after 60 years of being decimated by Democrat policies they would figure it out or maybe Democrats are right the back community is stupid. I have a hard time believing black people are stupid, but the evidence is starting to work against my beliefs.


Please enlighten all of us on these policies. I would love to read about them.
Go back to 1960 and start studying some history. Look at all the policies enacted that were beneficial to black Americans (from civil rights to the economic policies), policies supported by Democrats.

As you do some historical study, also read up on the Dixiecrats. Read up on those Democrats who left the party and became Republicans because of how the two parties changed. Read about Nixon's (with its start with Goldwater) southern strategy.
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If the black community has made such great strides as you say, why are they rioting in all of the Democrat run states and cities.
Just because a city is run by Democrats doesn't mean those city leaders have all the ability to fix the ills that still exist.

If that was the case, all the problems in Republican led cities should have easily been solved by now as well. Yet, they haven't.

As for a riot, MLK Jr. day in Monday. As he once said, "In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?"

Notice, he said "America."

According to Democrats, black people are being hunted down by white people, black people cannot compete for jobs, education opportunities, housing or anything else and all of this after 60 years of Democrats helping the black community. Either the Democrats narrative is wrong and purely political, or the black community has benefitted from Democrats help. You can't have it both ways so please pick one and stick with it.

The black community has come along way over the past sixty years. That doesn't mean though there isn't still more room for improvement and further still to go when it comes to equality, including economic equality.

This is why Democrats continue to support civil right policies, economic freedom policies, etc. Democrats understand the job isn't done. There is still much left to be done. Yet, Republicans fight Democrats on this every step of the way. They oppose policies that would help not only black Americans but all minorities and the poor.

And this is why, again, most black Americans don't vote for Republicans. They see what is really going on. You, apparently, don't.

The black community has come along way over the past sixty years. That doesn't mean though there isn't still more room for improvement and further still to go when it comes to equality, including economic equality.

This is why Democrats continue to support civil right policies, economic freedom policies, etc. Democrats understand the job isn't done. There is still much left to be done. Yet, Republicans fight Democrats on this every step of the way. They oppose policies that would help not only black Americans but all minorities and the poor.

And this is why, again, most black Americans don't vote for Republicans. They see what is really going on. You, apparently, don't.
I love that a dumbass white guy thinks he speaks for minorities, even ignoring an actual minority person in favor of your own narrative. Sorry Chump, that's actual racism right there. Pretty disgusting.
I love that a dumbass white guy thinks he speaks for minorities, even ignoring an actual minority person in favor of your own narrative. Sorry Chump, that's actual racism right there. Pretty disgusting.
I don't ignore anyone. I could care less what anyone's race on this board is. Nor do I need a token poster to point to in order to justify my hateful racist ideology, as you and some other posters love to do.

But yes, I do oppose right-wing ideology/right-wing propaganda/lies from anyone, regardless of their race.

btw Cordog Meds, you are the last one who should try to lecture any one on this board about racism. You are one of the lead racists on this board, and you have made that clear ever since Obama was President.
I don't ignore anyone. I could care less what anyone's race on this board is. Nor do I need a token poster to point to in order to justify my hateful racist ideology, as you and some other posters love to do.

But yes, I do oppose right-wing ideology/right-wing propaganda/lies from anyone, regardless of their race.

btw Cordog Meds, you are the last one who should try to lecture any one on this board about racism. You are one of the lead racists on this board, and you have made that clear ever since Obama was President.
Sorry it stings for me to call you out on your blatant racism, toon_cents. Stop being so focused on race. It's gross. Team Regressive is obsessed with race. Plenty of us choose to pay no attention to skin color these days. That's so 1950s.

And yes, you talked over a minority right in this thread. That's racist.
Sorry it stings for me to call you out on your blatant racism
You haven't called me out for anything Corndog Meds. Most of your posts are nonsensical and tone deaf to reality. And the rest of your posts you are just flailing around, refusing to answer the tough questions presented to you. Every liberal on this board owns you on a daily basis and enjoys watching you do your flail dance! It is what you are known for! 🤣🤣

As I've stated (and shown in the past), you are one of the lead racists on this board. I could care less about anything you have to say about race until you can be honest enough to acknowledge what you are.
You haven't called me out for anything Corndog Meds. Most of your posts are nonsensical and tone deaf to reality. And the rest of your posts you are just flailing around, refusing to answer the tough questions presented to you. Every liberal on this board owns you on a daily basis and enjoys watching you do your flail dance! It is what you are known for! 🤣🤣

As I've stated (and shown in the past), you are one of the lead racists on this board. I could care less about anything you have to say about race until you can be honest enough to acknowledge what you are.
Keep flailing, my_Klancents. You're disgusting.
How much longer is the black community going to keep falling for the Democrats racism game? You would think after 60 years of being decimated by Democrat policies they would figure it out or maybe Democrats are right the back community is stupid. I have a hard time believing black people are stupid, but the evidence is starting to work against my beliefs.
How do you think I feel? Pastor Darrell Scott says Trump is best for black America in his lifetime. I agree.

I see Hispanics are bailing from the former Democrat Party. I know legions of Hispanics. They're hard working family. They are for law, jobs and secure borders.
I love that a dumbass white guy thinks he speaks for minorities, even ignoring an actual minority person in favor of your own narrative. Sorry Chump, that's actual racism right there. Pretty disgusting.
"If you don't know who to vote for, you ain't black." Grandma in East Cleveland can't buy beef patties and fill her gas tank. She ain't blaming Trump.
Sorry it stings for me to call you out on your blatant racism, toon_cents. Stop being so focused on race. It's gross. Team Regressive is obsessed with race. Plenty of us choose to pay no attention to skin color these days. That's so 1950s.

And yes, you talked over a minority right in this thread. That's racist.
I’m not 2cents Medic…

You’re truly a dumbfvck for still believing that lol. Still think so? Ask Jeff Johnson if I am hahahahahaha
The Democrats are the white slave owner telling all the Northern abolitionists that his black slaves need him to survive. That they are taken care of withbfoid and shelter and without him they would die. He brings out his house slave and shows them how well they are taken care of. This is what Democrats were in 1850. This is what Democrats are today. They have had 300 years to practice this art and they are good at. Republicans have only been trying to counter the narrative for only 150 years.
Check out the results of some of these leftist policies.

@Syskatine, got any comparable examples in Oklahoma City and Tulsa? Maybe Lawton or Norman? Enid? Shit, you can even flail and include Coalgate. I'm sure you have nonezens of examples for your chubby little dick beaters to post. School us, oh wise Lot Lizard.

@HighStickHarry you're not going to want to miss getting schooled.
Go back to 1960 and start studying some history. Look at all the policies enacted that were beneficial to black Americans (from civil rights to the economic policies), policies supported by Democrats.

As you do some historical study, also read up on the Dixiecrats. Read up on those Democrats who left the party and became Republicans because of how the two parties changed. Read about Nixon's (with its start with Goldwater) southern strategy.
I have all but one returned to the Democrats. The Dixiecrat narrative has been wrong for some time. Go back and read some history.
***thinks confederate-flag-toting dipsh!ts vote Democrat today, reinforces self-own***
It always tickles me when historically illiterate, indoctrinated leftist use the Confederate Flag in an effort to insult. While the flag was used to represent the Southern forces in the Civil War that doesn't change the meaning behind the flag.
“The red represents the blood of Christ. The white border represents the protection of God. The blue 'X' represents the Christian cross of Saint Andrew, the first disciple of Christ Jesus and patron Saint of Scotland. The 13 stars represent the 13 Southern states of succession.”
Sorry but I don't find the Confederate Flag insulting but I'm not as indoctrinated, historically illiterate and overly emotional as those on the left.
It always tickles me when historically illiterate, indoctrinated leftist use the Confederate Flag in an effort to insult. While the flag was used to represent the Southern forces in the Civil War that doesn't change the meaning behind the flag.
“The red represents the blood of Christ. The white border represents the protection of God. The blue 'X' represents the Christian cross of Saint Andrew, the first disciple of Christ Jesus and patron Saint of Scotland. The 13 stars represent the 13 Southern states of succession.”
Sorry but I don't find the Confederate Flag insulting but I'm not as indoctrinated, historically illiterate and overly emotional as those on the left.

Entrenched ideological ignorance on the right such as this is why blacks don’t flock to the polls to stump for Republicans lol.

JFC you’re dense hahahahahahaha
Entrenched ideological ignorance on the right such as this is why blacks don’t flock to the polls to stump for Republicans lol.

JFC you’re dense hahahahahahaha

Black people flock to the polls because some people on the right are not offended by the Confederate Flag? Wow that's some sound leftist logic right there.

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