When does the moderate Left start denouncing (AND distancing themselves from) the environment created by the Progressive Left?
The environment that believes lying, in any and every situation, is fine and dandy, as long as the Ends are met?
That misrepresentation of reality supersedes growing as a person (lying to oneself - manifesting itself in the segment of grown adults STILL behaving as sniveling babies simply bc they were shocked at an electoral result)?
That fake news is okay?
That egregious demonization is a tool?
That politics is appropriate to bring in to every avenue of life?
This lying can be found in every fiber of the Progressive and far Left culture.
It's time to force them to either articulate their positions without throwing tantrums, or it's time they be relegated back to the fringe.
Personally, Iean right. But I very much would like to help @Medic007 , David Rubin, the #walkaway guy, etc, etc reclaim their party.
The environment that believes lying, in any and every situation, is fine and dandy, as long as the Ends are met?
That misrepresentation of reality supersedes growing as a person (lying to oneself - manifesting itself in the segment of grown adults STILL behaving as sniveling babies simply bc they were shocked at an electoral result)?
That fake news is okay?
That egregious demonization is a tool?
That politics is appropriate to bring in to every avenue of life?
This lying can be found in every fiber of the Progressive and far Left culture.
It's time to force them to either articulate their positions without throwing tantrums, or it's time they be relegated back to the fringe.
Personally, Iean right. But I very much would like to help @Medic007 , David Rubin, the #walkaway guy, etc, etc reclaim their party.