Trump's policies on jobs, taxation, security, foreign policy, secure borders, pro life, etc.....are not lunatic policies. He was sold by the Dems as a lunatic loser to be laughed at and joked about and to brag how big Hillary was going to kill this joke of a nominee. But his policies were far better than 4 more years of the same bad policies. The joke ended up on the Dems and it was born of arrogance and patting themselves on the back as progressives that knows what is best for everyone. Some on the left demonized Trump as a nazi, etc.....the only lunatics acting out right now is on the left. Bernie I believe was a good person and a man worth voting for, but his policies were way too socialistic for me. I never once have attacked Bernie on a personal level. Hillary? I think she is corrupt, and I sided with Trump on all major policy issues. Trump can come off as an arrogant prick sometimes but I do not care, I voted him in to do exactly what he is doing.
Trump is upsetting both Dems and Reps, that to me is a start to eliminating political correctness that has paralyzed this country in to getting nothing done in fear of hurting people's feelings and in my opinion is going to push both the Dems and Reps to a more moderate government because the extreme of either side is going to hurt. Trump EO's are not the product of lunacy, but the desires of a large chunk of this country that felt it was imperative for major change in Washington. The christian extreme right did not win and neither did the tea party extremists.
The Dems need to get the rioters out of the streets, not boycott inaugurations, and figure out a way to work with this President where their interests are similar, this President might be able to get the Reps to work with the Dems on some issues, that would be a start to healing the rift between the parties. It would be great if both sides of the aisle would remember we are all Americans. When was the last time Dems and Reps truly worked together to put forward great legislation that was passed handidly and supported by both parties? Trump is not partisan politics, if that is lunacy give me more.
"Trump's policies on jobs, taxation, security, foreign policy, secure borders, pro life, etc.....are not lunatic policies."
Agreed, I even like some of his policy ideas. His base policies were not that loonie, but plenty of his rhetoric was. He was a populist to the base Republicans, paid a lot of specific attention to the rust belt, and threw out a ton of loonie over the top crap to whoop up the LCD. Of course Dems painted him as a Lunatic, so did Republicans.... because he acted like a lunatic at times. He, (or Bannon/Conway IMO), played it perfectly. Keep the base with some sound (though never really detailed) policies, and whoop up the fringe with the crazy stuff. When less than 60% of eligible voters bother to vote, you only have to get a few of the fringe to vote, (that usually don't bother go to the polls to vote for guys like Mitt Romney).... that can make a huge difference. Now.... Are Trump and Bannon crackpots, or hateful, or racist? I don't think so. But they will take the votes thank you very much. Bannon has pretty much said that he is fine with this fringe element being a part of the movement because it will fade over time. They are a means to an end.
"Bernie I believe was a good person and a man worth voting for, but his policies were way too socialistic for me. I never once have attacked Bernie on a personal level. Hillary? I think she is corrupt".
Agree on both counts. I always felt like Bernie truly believed in what he was saying, and wanted to do good. His policies were horrendous though. It disturbs me a bit how many believe in his policies. IMO Trump and Hillary are both bad people.
"Trump is upsetting both Dems and Reps, that to me is a start to eliminating political correctness that has paralyzed this country in to getting nothing done in fear of hurting people's feelings and in my opinion is going to push both the Dems and Reps to a more moderate government because the extreme of either side is going to hurt. Trump EO's are not the product of lunacy, but the desires of a large chunk of this country that felt it was imperative for major change in Washington. The Christian extreme right did not win and neither did the tea party extremists."
I disagree with most of this. Like I said in my original post... Trump DID upset Reps for a while, but they have mostly fallen in line with him. A few pipe up here and there but they are just happy to be in power again. Hell look at this board. I'm guessing the majority didn't vote for him in the primaries, but got behind him afterwards. Someone who followed the tea party more closely that I did is going to have to explain the difference between Bannon's alt right and the tea party. The first seems like an evolution of the latter to me. I'm also not sure how the Christian extreme right lost. Granted I don't think Trump gives much of a shite about them, but he has played to that base enough that they believe that "Jesus is finally back in the white house". We'll see how it plays out, but I bet we'll see a push to install a lot of what the Christian right wants to see. Anti abortion legislation, repeal of gay marriage and gay discrimination protection, strikes against Islam as a whole. That will depend on the depth of Bannon's involvement.
"The Dems need to get the rioters out of the streets, not boycott inaugurations, and figure out a way to work with this President where their interests are similar, this President might be able to get the Reps to work with the Dems on some issues, that would be a start to healing the rift between the parties. It would be great if both sides of the aisle would remember we are all Americans. When was the last time Dems and Reps truly worked together to put forward great legislation that was passed handidly and supported by both parties? Trump is not partisan politics, if that is lunacy give me more"
Rioters are scum. They just look for chaos as an excuse to be assholes. Throw the book at them. The boycotts were idiotic and a case of shooting your own toes off. Protesters and issue there at all. Its the same thing as the large Trump rallies, people getting fired up about beliefs and making their voices heard. The difference being that the rallies had a center character to rally around, the message could be cheer led so that it made sense, and it was easier to control. The marches and protest have nobody to rally around and nobody to lead the its all over the place and a confusing mess.
Trump working with the Dems? I just don't see that happening. I've seen absolutely nothing that indicates Trump wants to work with Dems on anything. I really, really, really hope I am wrong there as party politics have ruined this country....and it makes no logical sense at all. How can two parties disagree on absolutely everything? I mean every freaking thing that comes along they take opposite sides on even if it has absolutely nothing to do with any of the core values of their party.