The Sixth Sense


Nov 21, 2001
Spoilers alert

My 13 yr old watching it for the first time figures out Bruce Willis is a ghost 20 minutes in.

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I figured it out about 5 minutes in when I noticed that Bruce Willis was wearing the same clothes as in the first scene.
I figured it out fairly early on as well. The only clue I had was that there was a "twist" at the end. But I thought it was kind of obvious and only grew more and more obvious as the movie wore on.
I never had a clue till the end. Haven't seen that movie in years but its one I remember for saying WTF, I bought in completely. Once you watch it the second time its like come on stupid, you should have seen that coming.

Same. Very well done, IMO.
I really liked Unbreakable and Split. Didn't care much for any others...not even Sixth Sense.
I heard that split was okay, but after Signs I said I was never going to see another one of his movies. I got talked into going to see The Village. I will never see another one of his movies.
Unbreakable is the only one I ever truly liked and would only give it somewhere between a C+ or a B-.

The Village - my sister and I got to talking about that movie one day and we would swear that we both saw a movie/tv show when we were kids with a similar plot. Where people in a village created stories of monsters to keep the youngins from getting too far away from the town and had also put up "scarecrows" made to resemble the monsters they described. This was all in an effort to prevent them from learning that there was a modern world outside the village.
I hated unbreakable. I loved sixth sense and didn't get it til the reveal. And I pride myself in figuring out plots early.

I hated signs first time I saw it. Then I saw it again and I love it now. I even like the theory that maybe they were demons. Maybe.

I am very non committal about village. I didn't hate it but it wasn't awful, either. I didn't get the monsters were fake until way late, but it wasn't an oooh aaah moment, it was just, oh yea I see that now. It's just a very unfeasable plot that wasn't that enjoyable let alone believable.

I don't know that I've seen any since then. I think his next movie was something like lady in the lake or pool or water but wasn't interested.
I liked Unbreakable also.

I took my wife out on a date to see Lady in the Water way back when. Still has to be one of the top 2 worst movies I have ever seen.
Lady in the water sucked balls.

The Village....didn't like the movie, but the concept of having a walled community where things are that I would personally be on board with. As long as I was leader lol.
I liked Signs quite a bit.

I caught Sixth Sense twist before the reveal, but not much before it. I have only watched it the one time.
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1. Signs
2. Unbreakable
3. The Village
4. The Sixth Sense
5. Split

All of those were enjoyable/watchable for me. The rest have been awful.
6. Lady in the Water
7. The Happening

I have seen The Visit, The Last Airbender or After Earth
My girlfriend, who is black, had Get Out figured out rather quickly. I'm baffled as to how she did it.

On a related note, she hasn't been to my parents house since that night.

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