Spoilers alert
My 13 yr old watching it for the first time figures out Bruce Willis is a ghost 20 minutes in.
My 13 yr old watching it for the first time figures out Bruce Willis is a ghost 20 minutes in.
Probably looked it up on the net before watching.Spoilers alert
My 13 yr old watching it for the first time figures out Bruce Willis is a ghost 20 minutes in.
I never had a clue till the end. Haven't seen that movie in years but its one I remember for saying WTF, I bought in completely. Once you watch it the second time its like come on stupid, you should have seen that coming.
The only M Night Shamalamadingdong movie that was ever watchable for me!
I heard that split was okay, but after Signs I said I was never going to see another one of his movies. I got talked into going to see The Village. I will never see another one of his movies.I really liked Unbreakable and Split. Didn't care much for any others...not even Sixth Sense.
On a related note, she hasn't been to my parents house since that night.