The party of crazy

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Definitely the party of crazy.

Climate Change is “settled science”, but biology is meaningless.

Separation of church and state must be followed with zeal to eliminate anything remotely religious, but you can’t advocate banning Sharia law.

Discrimination is a deadly sin, unless you’re doing it because of privilege. Or your group is too smart. Or live in the wrong zip code.
Definitely the party of crazy.

Climate Change is “settled science”, but biology is meaningless.

Separation of church and state must be followed with zeal to eliminate anything remotely religious, but you can’t advocate banning Sharia law.

Discrimination is a deadly sin, unless you’re doing it because of privilege. Or your group is too smart. Or live in the wrong zip code.

war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

Someone watching literally everything you do and say.

Troubled times indeed.
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If I were betting...

If something like this ever passed, you'd have states challenging it on the basis of their ability to create a distinction using DNA, birth sex, etc when administering their own rules (the state).

Goes to Supreme court.

Yeah, it's crazy.
I get that some people do not like Donald Trump, what I can not get is how people could vote for anyone from a party that has so many radical beliefs.
Many of those people have been indoctrinated for decades or refuse to change affiliations due to not wanting to see "grandma roll over in her grave" if they did change. It's easier to go along than acknowledge all things you believe and trust are based on lies and deceit.
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