The Participation Trophy Generation(s)

And we wonder why most of these mass shooters are in their 20s. They never learned how to deal with losing, rejection or learned that in order to succeed it requires something more than just showing up. Then they get a taste of the real world and they do not know how to handle it. The world is cruel to those that are not prepared.
And we wonder why most of these mass shooters are in their 20s. They never learned how to deal with losing, rejection or learned that in order to succeed it requires something more than just showing up. Then they get a taste of the real world and they do not know how to handle it. The world is cruel to those that are not prepared.

More truth to this than you will ever know. You know, when a baseball Coach back in the day told you at 11 years old: Son, you are not good enough to play on this team and will never play. However, you are welcome to stay on the team and sit on the bench. But, we are all given various talents, you need to find your talents, spend the time that you are not participating in baseball to discover what you excel at, you can find something you excel at.

Yep, you go home, possibly cry that night, you get over it in a couple of days and move on. Young kids are resilient. Coach like that does a kid a huge favor. Instead, trophies for everyone, you can be anything you want to be, equal outcomes for all, one big huge LIE.

So, you have kids today living in Ma’s basement at 30 still trying to figure out how to deal with rejection.

Every failure presents an opportunity.

I decided early on as a parent that my kids would learn being accountable for their actions, and that as long as they were not druggies, they were positive and friendly adults, were productive, and happy, I would be happy for them. Let them find their own way and encourage, and most of all be honest with them and hold them accountable. We all fail, ones success in life is not determined by how you handle the good times, but the setbacks, failures, and disappointment. You have to learn how to deal with failure.

Oh man, this one is so absurd and what really bothers me about the decision is it once again takes kids who work hard to be recognized for excelling and the future benefits excellence can bring outside of freakin high school, are marginalized.

So, I do not see the issue here. Many schools have had multiple valedictorians for years, this is simply a move to how colleges honor the highest performing students. Not just the highest performing, but those that meet an extremely high standard. I have seen a lot of things that fit your “participation trophy” concept, but this one is not that. Damn you for making me agree with toon.
So, I do not see the issue here. Many schools have had multiple valedictorians for years, this is simply a move to how colleges honor the highest performing students. Not just the highest performing, but those that meet an extremely high standard. I have seen a lot of things that fit your “participation trophy” concept, but this one is not that. Damn you for making me agree with toon.

haha indeed you agreeing with Toon is cataclysmic, sorry. I have no issues with multiple valedictorians and or salutatorians, but if your still calling out "the highest performer" it still is a recognition that sets aside individuals just by another name. Anyway, at the bottom of the article they had a number of other changes implemented in various high schools around the country and I just shook my head reading through them. It is almost like the bar is purposely being blurred so individual achievement can be lumped into the biggest category possible, to offend the least number of people possible. Like somehow the world is an equal place with near equal outcomes.

For the record, I think the public schools have become a weakness instead of a strength and there should be two tracks now. One that is scholastic and extremely challenging for your college bound kiddos and one that is technical so kids not interested in going to college can learn a trade and get out of the environment that won't really benefit them for the foreseeable future.
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haha indeed you agreeing with Toon is cataclysmic, sorry. I have no issues with multiple valedictorians and or salutatorians, but if your still calling out "the highest performer" it still is a recognition that sets aside individuals just by another name. Anyway, at the bottom of the article they had a number of other changes implemented in various high schools around the country and I just shook my head reading through them. It is almost like the bar is purposely being blurred so individual achievement can be lumped into the biggest category possible, to offend the least number of people possible. Like somehow the world is an equal place with near equal outcomes.

For the record, I think the public schools have become a weakness instead of a strength and there should be two tracks now. One that is scholastic and extremely challenging for your college bound kiddos and one that is technical so kids not interested in going to college can learn a trade and get out of the environment that won't really benefit them for the foreseeable future.

Problem is that parents will want one thing (kids to college) while kids may want something else. We don't have a problem with an 8 year old making a decision about whether he/she should be a boy or a girl, but we have real challenges in defining an educational and career trajectory for high schoolers.
Conservative circle jerk faux outrage lol

Graduation with honors for these kids now cum laude instead of valedictorian...what an outrage I say!

Someone never got their participation trophy and it shows.

FWIW, I got a ribbon once in school that said “participant”.
As the years go by, it seems even dumber than it did in 1980something.

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