Trashing minorities and taking Lord’s name in vain!!!!
Ever since stamping “C” (for “colored”) on prospective renter applications in NYC with his dad and more recently comparing immigrants to “infestations” of vermin...
Sweating like Nixon, Playing that race card like David Duke...
Sad, really, to have David Duke (“those were some really fine people in Charlottesville”) ilk as his base.
The Old White Supremacist really needs to quit telling duly elected Members of Congress to “go back to their shithole countries” and instead try Praying for forgiveness—for taking Lord’s name in vain and comparing people of color to rats.
Such a big coward...
such a little ‘man’
Ever since stamping “C” (for “colored”) on prospective renter applications in NYC with his dad and more recently comparing immigrants to “infestations” of vermin...
Sweating like Nixon, Playing that race card like David Duke...

Sad, really, to have David Duke (“those were some really fine people in Charlottesville”) ilk as his base.
The Old White Supremacist really needs to quit telling duly elected Members of Congress to “go back to their shithole countries” and instead try Praying for forgiveness—for taking Lord’s name in vain and comparing people of color to rats.
Such a big coward...
such a little ‘man’