The next act is coming....


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
In December, Barr said the Durham report would be out in a couple of months.

I believe it has a chance to make watergate look like child’s play. Could reveal biggest corruption in US history across several agencies.

Any thoughts on who gets indicted, who is not indicted that gets exposed as chronic liars, and who gets exposed as being pussies for knowing wrongdoing was occurring but was afraid to speak up? For those who did not speak up, where they intimidated to silence?

Does Durham impact the elections? Does Trump even need him to?

The debates will be fun, Trump has his economic speech down, he slaughtered it in New Jersey, He will be able to run on 3 failed attempts on his Presidency and the Durham findings as well. There is a reason the Dims hope to stretch out impeachment...their day of a constant negative news cycle is coming fast, while exposing 3 years of media lies as well.


Seems like I am missing a few names, who else? Comey on camera saying all 4 FISA warrants good, DOJ said 2 were illegal. We are getting some bread crumbs....
Sadly I don't think anything comes of it at all. They are above the law, the very thing they accuse Trump of they are the ones that actually think they are. They will be protected.

if everyone was going to go on quietly
deals would have been made

you would not have seen
1. mueller
2. peach mints

have faith
these turds will get flushed
In December, Barr said the Durham report would be out in a couple of months.

I believe it has a chance to make watergate look like child’s play. Could reveal biggest corruption in US history across several agencies.

Any thoughts on who gets indicted, who is not indicted that gets exposed as chronic liars, and who gets exposed as being pussies for knowing wrongdoing was occurring but was afraid to speak up? For those who did not speak up, where they intimidated to silence?

Does Durham impact the elections? Does Trump even need him to?

The debates will be fun, Trump has his economic speech down, he slaughtered it in New Jersey, He will be able to run on 3 failed attempts on his Presidency and the Durham findings as well. There is a reason the Dims hope to stretch out impeachment...their day of a constant negative news cycle is coming fast, while exposing 3 years of media lies as well.


Seems like I am missing a few names, who else? Comey on camera saying all 4 FISA warrants good, DOJ said 2 were illegal. We are getting some bread crumbs....

Obama, aka Mugabe, Lamumba, Mobutu, Kasavubu, Papa Doc, Mack Daddy.
Assuming there will be indictments or pleas, I doubt Hildebitch or Obama will be indicted. If anything, both may get the Nixon treatment of Unindicted Co-conspirators.

Some of the others (Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper) may not be that lucky. The only thing which will stop these practices is if those at the top feel the pain. Letting the top dogs skate while sacrificing some mid-level nobody doesn't remove the muzzles on the little voices in the back of their heads.
Assuming there will be indictments or pleas, I doubt Hildebitch or Obama will be indicted. If anything, both may get the Nixon treatment of Unindicted Co-conspirators.

Some of the others (Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper) may not be that lucky. The only thing which will stop these practices is if those at the top feel the pain. Letting the top dogs skate while sacrificing some mid-level nobody doesn't remove the muzzles on the little voices in the back of their heads.

The chances of getting Obama or Hillary are zero but if numerous underlings like Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, both Ohrs, Rosenstein, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates and unnamed others get indicted, prosecuted, found guilty and spend some time behind bars that will send a message to those in the future.
On the edge of my seat. Can't wait! Bigger than Watergate.

Brennan,Clapper,Comey, McCabe and more going down. Exciting!

Unlike you we do not talk in certainties and swallow what your cult leaders preach whole. Unlike you, we wait to see the actual evidence. We use words like (from above) "has a chance", "could reveal", etc... We know what it looks like now from the outside and we do not have the complete picture but it sure smells, and we know the DOJ has said 2 FISA warrants were issued illegally, I mean SOMEBODY has to be responsible. That is some serious shit when you see who those warrants targeted, Dims do not care about the true 2016 election tampering. So we will wait to see the evidence, look how easy it is to box these idiots in.

Unlike you we do not assume our side is always right. Show us good evidence, that is what we want. If not, well let's kick dirt back in the Dims face just before the election like they have for 3 years on Trump, fair is fair in politics. But we want good evidence not fake hidden biased whistle blower evidence or a 30 year old claim of some kid grabbing tit in some bedroom we can not remember where and when it happened, and if it exists we want indictments, you should to if you cared about this country.

You remember almost every single Trump voter back in January of 2017 on this board when impeachment cries first came out we said to investigate Trump and if he did wrong doing, convict him. Some of us even joked about Trump and Hillary being across from each other in cells. I was one of those posters.

We all mostly said that, we also asked for those across the aisle to take the same stance on their officials. Interesting for sure, you do not feel Biden should be investigated despite every single security witness the house called as a witness testifying it looked like a huge conflict of interest at a minimum, but you feel even looking at it is a crime. That is some serious shit someone wants to cover up if you ask me. I have never once seen a Dim on this Board that was ok investigating one of their own. Most of the Trump supporters from day one were ok with it, but we never agreed to non-stop faux investigations. There is a ton of smoke surrounding the Biden's, what are you afraid of? What are the Dims afraid of?

Could it be what really gets exposed here for BOTH Dims and Reps is how politicians become millionaires by getting kick-backs from US foreign Aid? Romney looks dirty as hell, he has some serious kick back smoke in his political career. The military industrial complex needs wars for profits and we need to sell to foreign countries to keep waging wars and make even more money, we have military lobbyists paying tons of money to congressman across both sides of the aisle. Hunter most likely than not accepted taxpayer money with blood on it, it is disgusting. Trump has figured out the money trail on some of this shit, Biden and his kids are not the first ones to get kick-backs. It has happened on the Republican side as well, you know it has. Why not let this President expose how this works? Why not let the President expose this corruption? Why not get better checks and balances in place to prevent it? Oh hell no, Dims want to throw the guy out of office that has figured out taxpayer money is being wasted and it is being used for kickbacks.
Unlike you we do not talk in certainties and swallow what your cult leaders preach whole. Unlike you, we wait to see the actual evidence. We use words like (from above) "has a chance", "could reveal", etc... We know what it looks like now from the outside and we do not have the complete picture but it sure smells, and we know the DOJ has said 2 FISA warrants were issued illegally, I mean SOMEBODY has to be responsible. That is some serious shit when you see who those warrants targeted, Dims do not care about the true 2016 election tampering. So we will wait to see the evidence, look how easy it is to box these idiots in.

Unlike you we do not assume our side is always right. Show us good evidence, that is what we want. If not, well let's kick dirt back in the Dims face just before the election like they have for 3 years on Trump, fair is fair in politics. But we want good evidence not fake hidden biased whistle blower evidence or a 30 year old claim of some kid grabbing tit in some bedroom we can not remember where and when it happened, and if it exists we want indictments, you should to if you cared about this country.

You remember almost every single Trump voter back in January of 2017 on this board when impeachment cries first came out we said to investigate Trump and if he did wrong doing, convict him. Some of us even joked about Trump and Hillary being across from each other in cells. I was one of those posters.

We all mostly said that, we also asked for those across the aisle to take the same stance on their officials. Interesting for sure, you do not feel Biden should be investigated despite every single security witness the house called as a witness testifying it looked like a huge conflict of interest at a minimum, but you feel even looking at it is a crime. That is some serious shit someone wants to cover up if you ask me. I have never once seen a Dim on this Board that was ok investigating one of their own. Most of the Trump supporters from day one were ok with it, but we never agreed to non-stop faux investigations. There is a ton of smoke surrounding the Biden's, what are you afraid of? What are the Dims afraid of?

Could it be what really gets exposed here for BOTH Dims and Reps is how politicians become millionaires by getting kick-backs from US foreign Aid? Romney looks dirty as hell, he has some serious kick back smoke in his political career. The military industrial complex needs wars for profits and we need to sell to foreign countries to keep waging wars and make even more money, we have military lobbyists paying tons of money to congressman across both sides of the aisle. Hunter most likely than not accepted taxpayer money with blood on it, it is disgusting. Trump has figured out the money trail on some of this shit, Biden and his kids are not the first ones to get kick-backs. It has happened on the Republican side as well, you know it has. Why not let this President expose how this works? Why not let the President expose this corruption? Why not get better checks and balances in place to prevent it? Oh hell no, Dims want to throw the guy out of office that has figured out taxpayer money is being wasted and it is being used for kickbacks.
The anti Trumpers do not understand with their endless investigations, false attacks and overwhelming double standard they and they alone have cemented support of Trump.
I only voted for Trump as a protest against Hillary. In 2020 I will proudly vote for Trump with a middle finger pointed at the Democrats.
TDS did it? Trying to reason with someone incapable of reason had nothing to do with it?

Plus, who was it that suggested we settle differences by squaring up first?

I could be an azz and try to emit an emotional response from you, but I am not going to troll you in return and turn this emotional like Dims like to do and pull people in to the gutter with you. You are still a troll trying to get an emotional response, instead of a policy debate. Dumb ass Trump is so stupid Dims can not win an election based on just a policy debate. Have to cheat to beat the dumbest Prez ever. LOL.
The anti Trumpers do not understand with their endless investigations, false attacks and overwhelming double standard they and they alone have cemented support of Trump.
I only voted for Trump as a protest against Hillary. In 2020 I will proudly vote for Trump with a middle finger pointed at the Democrats.
I will use my middle finger to push the touch screen button.
On the edge of my seat. Can't wait! Bigger than Watergate.

Brennan,Clapper,Comey, McCabe and more going down. Exciting!

yeah... at one time that might have stung a bit. Now I think even you know it's just a matter of - can a case be made, rather than did it happen.

At whatever point it occurs to you that I've been right from the beginning, I'll welcome you aboard the Trump train.
yeah... at one time that might have stung a bit. Now I think even you know it's just a matter of - can a case be made, rather than did it happen.

At whatever point it occurs to you that I've been right from the beginning, I'll welcome you aboard the Trump train.





I’m reasonably confident we can count David’s all time non-troll post history on this board on one person’s fingers.

A glass (or two) of good Pinot and tossing firecrackers on 24/7 is his catharsis after a long day. Why do you think he moseyed back in here?
Not pure troll mind you. Should be a bit of thought challenging mixed in as well.
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The next looks like it's finally happening! There's corruption everywhere, including religious and political. It's so pervasive that military tribunals will be used for the trials!

And they lie with impunity about it - knowing the legacy media will never hold them accountable.

In December, Barr said the Durham report would be out in a couple of months.

I believe it has a chance to make watergate look like child’s play. Could reveal biggest corruption in US history across several agencies.

Any thoughts on who gets indicted, who is not indicted that gets exposed as chronic liars, and who gets exposed as being pussies for knowing wrongdoing was occurring but was afraid to speak up? For those who did not speak up, where they intimidated to silence?

Does Durham impact the elections? Does Trump even need him to?

The debates will be fun, Trump has his economic speech down, he slaughtered it in New Jersey, He will be able to run on 3 failed attempts on his Presidency and the Durham findings as well. There is a reason the Dims hope to stretch out impeachment...their day of a constant negative news cycle is coming fast, while exposing 3 years of media lies as well.


Seems like I am missing a few names, who else? Comey on camera saying all 4 FISA warrants good, DOJ said 2 were illegal. We are getting some bread crumbs....
106 or so weeks later - do you have anything to show for your sycophancy?
  • Haha
Reactions: CoastGuardCowboy
The EUs days are numbered. Without the British money the burden will fall on Germany and France. France was already having fiscal problems and Germany' economy is not exactly healthy.
BC can you elaborate on how they have no more money? And also do we have money bc we print it and we pay the interest each year which is what-A trillion or two? Seems like we have no money either or at least our bills way exceed the theft the Fed takes from us each year.
The anti Trumpers do not understand with their endless investigations, false attacks and overwhelming double standard they and they alone have cemented support of Trump.
I only voted for Trump as a protest against Hillary. In 2020 I will proudly vote for Trump with a middle finger pointed at the Democrats.
How'd that work out for you?
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Looks like it's working out even better than we hoped. Democrats have outed themselves as authoritarians' intent on ruling the country instead of governing the country. The midterms will tell us just how much the American people have figured out.
Is this more of that #somuchwinning we were all promised?
  • Haha
Reactions: Marocain Poke
For the second day in a row, I heard the WBAP in Cow Town sound byte. In Democrat debates, Brandon told us under his administration another foot of border wall would not be constructed. The first 100 days of his administration would see no one deported. And the board's slow admonishes the thinking for questioning 81 million voting for this nightmare.
Any thoughts on who gets indicted, who is not indicted that gets exposed as chronic liars, and who gets exposed as being pussies for knowing wrongdoing was occurring but was afraid to speak up? For those who did not speak up, where they intimidated to silence?
anything yet?
  • Haha
Reactions: Marocain Poke
anything yet?
This is beautiful. Every narrative about Trump / Russia has been debunked. Hillary has slipped the noose for years. It could be tightening but I doubt anyone is held to account.

The left can't hang Trump, the right can't hang Hillary. The political elite laugh all the way to their corrupt riches.

Same old sh!t, the names will change because of time but it will be the same old sh!t for ever.
Every narrative about Trump / Russia has been debunked.
LOL his campaign manager was convicted of importing buckets of rubles without paying taxes on them. He made them by supporting Putin's boy in Ukraine. The Mueller report exhaustively chronicles Russia's attempts to sway the election. Russia has been an enemy of the U.S. for generations. Crazy you say anything has been "debunked."

I agree it's just same ol' same ol' but Trump's disloyalty to western democracy is unprecedented.
LOL his campaign manager was convicted of importing buckets of rubles without paying taxes on them. He made them by supporting Putin's boy in Ukraine. The Mueller report exhaustively chronicles Russia's attempts to sway the election. Russia has been an enemy of the U.S. for generations. Crazy you say anything has been "debunked."

I agree it's just same ol' same ol' but Trump's disloyalty to western democracy is unprecedented.

Someone is getting uncomfortable. ^^^
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