The Mistake That Both Sides Make

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
I have watched as this country is making a long slow decline into chaos, and it dawns on me why this is happening. Everything political has become personal. Insults and character assassination rule the day. Policy disagreements have become secondary, each side must paint the other as evil, with civility seen as a weakness. I don't know when it began or who started it, but it really doesn't matter anymore, we are approaching the point of no return. And, frankly, I'm beginning to think another civil war is in our future. It has become nothing more than a game to see who can disparage whom with the most viciousness, as if that's a testament to moral certitude.

I remember the day Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Her mother was in attendance, and I couldn't help but think how proud her mother must have been. Then I made the mistake of listening to Sean Hannity's radio program in which he spent the entire time berating Ms.Sotomayor with such venom I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He couldn't even let Ms. Sotomayor or her mother have one day of joy, he was determined to ruin it. And, yes, I know the other side does it, too. I am just using this as an example. As long as both sides resort to such tactics is it any wonder that hatred rules?

Politicians of both parties are setting the standard by which political discussion takes place. The rest of us are taking our cues from them, as they vie to see which side can destroy the other. No one seems to want to find a consensus, only argue, only destroy the "enemy," as if the "enemy" wants nothing more than to crush this country into oblivion, as if neither side can possibly want what they regard as what is best for the country. No civil discussion is permitted, only verbal warfare. I don't see how the country will survive unless we can find a way to talk respectfully with each other. Sometimes I log off this board in anguish.
Robust economy.

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.


Don't let a interacting with Social Media influence you negatively.
MSM could help this situation greatly with unbiased and factual reporting but they do not. They light the match and pour gasoline on the fire just to create news and push their political agenda. MSM should keep out of politics but they do not, they now are part of how the sausage is made, perhaps more so than candidates themselves

Our MSM is now run by the state, we just get 2 extreme versions of lies if we are lucky. MSM should report honestly to keep the public informed and perform good oversight. We know that Congress, FBI, and DOJ can not enforce laws fairly. All we had between the politicians and the public was a healthy and free press and it is gone.

I said 15 years ago that MSM was enemy #1 in this county and I still believe that.

I had no idea that the thought police had invaded our universities decades ago.

Media and the education system is what the real problem is, if we had the absolute truth reported and universities stayed out of politics and created critical thinkers, I truly believe our people would elect better candidates across both aisles.

And, who wants to be a politician or Supreme Court judge if you are talented knowing the opposing party is out to destroy you at all costs in a very personal way, who wants that? I believe we are not getting the best people in these positions because you can get better jobs that pay more with your personal life not being destroyed.

We end up with low IQ people like AOC that could not get voted on to my student council from high school.
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One side has 300 million plus guns.

The other side can't decide which bathroom to use.

You do the math on a civil war.
If anyone is unsure of which bathroom to go into, a good shotgun blast to the groin will make the decision for them.
I have watched as this country is making a long slow decline into chaos, and it dawns on me why this is happening. Everything political has become personal. Insults and character assassination rule the day. Policy disagreements have become secondary, each side must paint the other as evil, with civility seen as a weakness. I don't know when it began or who started it, but it really doesn't matter anymore, we are approaching the point of no return. And, frankly, I'm beginning to think another civil war is in our future. It has become nothing more than a game to see who can disparage whom with the most viciousness, as if that's a testament to moral certitude.

I remember the day Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Her mother was in attendance, and I couldn't help but think how proud her mother must have been. Then I made the mistake of listening to Sean Hannity's radio program in which he spent the entire time berating Ms.Sotomayor with such venom I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He couldn't even let Ms. Sotomayor or her mother have one day of joy, he was determined to ruin it. And, yes, I know the other side does it, too. I am just using this as an example. As long as both sides resort to such tactics is it any wonder that hatred rules?

Politicians of both parties are setting the standard by which political discussion takes place. The rest of us are taking our cues from them, as they vie to see which side can destroy the other. No one seems to want to find a consensus, only argue, only destroy the "enemy," as if the "enemy" wants nothing more than to crush this country into oblivion, as if neither side can possibly want what they regard as what is best for the country. No civil discussion is permitted, only verbal warfare. I don't see how the country will survive unless we can find a way to talk respectfully with each other. Sometimes I log off this board in anguish.

If there are two sides, they are collectivists/statists/globalists vs. Constitutionalists/states rights and personal liberty enthusiasts. Get off the sidelines Dan.
I have watched as this country is making a long slow decline into chaos, and it dawns on me why this is happening. Everything political has become personal. Insults and character assassination rule the day. Policy disagreements have become secondary, each side must paint the other as evil, with civility seen as a weakness. I don't know when it began or who started it, but it really doesn't matter anymore, we are approaching the point of no return. And, frankly, I'm beginning to think another civil war is in our future. It has become nothing more than a game to see who can disparage whom with the most viciousness, as if that's a testament to moral certitude.

I remember the day Sonia Sotomayor was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice. Her mother was in attendance, and I couldn't help but think how proud her mother must have been. Then I made the mistake of listening to Sean Hannity's radio program in which he spent the entire time berating Ms.Sotomayor with such venom I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He couldn't even let Ms. Sotomayor or her mother have one day of joy, he was determined to ruin it. And, yes, I know the other side does it, too. I am just using this as an example. As long as both sides resort to such tactics is it any wonder that hatred rules?

Politicians of both parties are setting the standard by which political discussion takes place. The rest of us are taking our cues from them, as they vie to see which side can destroy the other. No one seems to want to find a consensus, only argue, only destroy the "enemy," as if the "enemy" wants nothing more than to crush this country into oblivion, as if neither side can possibly want what they regard as what is best for the country. No civil discussion is permitted, only verbal warfare. I don't see how the country will survive unless we can find a way to talk respectfully with each other. Sometimes I log off this board in anguish.
Of course it has been ba long time but we used to have these vicious debates
in some of our classes(left vs right) and after the debate we would go and have coffee at the student union.
I knew married couples who voted for opposite candidates and seemed to have
happy marriages.
This division hasn't been just because of Trump, even though democrats think he is the cause.
Was it during Obama time, when 30% of the population was so shocked that America
had elected a black president that they took even a righter turn.
On this board left and right are at their throats,is it actually how it is in the offices
towns in main stream America?
ostatedchi,I am sure without the security of this message board.
You are actually human and a very nice person.
Of course it has been ba long time but we used to have these vicious debates
in some of our classes(left vs right) and after the debate we would go and have coffee at the student union.
I knew married couples who voted for opposite candidates and seemed to have
happy marriages.
This division hasn't been just because of Trump, even though democrats think he is the cause.
Was it during Obama time, when 30% of the population was so shocked that America
had elected a black president that they took even a righter turn.
On this board left and right are at their throats,is it actually how it is in the offices
towns in main stream America?
There are plenty of black people that conservatives would support. Did you know that?
And did you know that Barack is 50% white?
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There are plenty of black people that conservatives would support. Did you know that?
And did you know that Barack is 50% white?
Yes I have always wondered about that, Not only that he was half white and was raised
by white mother and white grand parents.Why isn't he called white?
Yes I know lots of American would vote for a black president.that is why he was elected twice.
I was talking about Trump's base. While only only a small minority would consider themselves racist,but deep down there are more who actually are.
Yes Watt was elected from oklahoma(the most red state in the union)that I haven'rt
figured out maybe because he was so towards right,that I think no blacks voted for him.
ostatedchi,I am sure without the security of this message board.
You are actually human and a very nice person.
What are you trying to say? That the anonymity of this message board emboldens me? Do you know how many of the people on this message board I know personally in real life or actually went to OSU with? I don't assume anything I say is anonymous.

If you are trying to say that you don't know who I am gives me some measure of security otherwise you'd issue a fatwa against me for my insistence that the Muslims in the world have to acknowledge their only crap and clean it?

I will never feel bad because I call out those who'd happily kill me and my family in an attempt to wipe western civilization from the planet. If there is no chance at reformation, then extermination is the only option. The entire faith needs to be removed from the planet.
Yes Watt was elected from oklahoma(the most red state in the union)that I haven'rt figured out maybe because he was so towards right,that I think no blacks voted for him.
Your time in Oklahoma was totally wasted if you don't understand the dynamics. The more you type, the dumber you sound. You remind me of the old quote, "It's better to let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
What are you trying to say? That the anonymity of this message board emboldens me? Do you know how many of the people on this message board I know personally in real life or actually went to OSU with? I don't assume anything I say is anonymous.

If you are trying to say that you don't know who I am gives me some measure of security otherwise you'd issue a fatwa against me for my insistence that the Muslims in the world have to acknowledge their only crap and clean it?

I will never feel bad because I call out those who'd happily kill me and my family in an attempt to wipe western civilization from the planet. If there is no chance at reformation, then extermination is the only option. The entire faith needs to be removed from the planet.
Hey I like you and never would give a fatwa against you(not that I can).
As far as saving your system,dont worry America has more fire power than rest of the
world combined.
I am not stupid I have been a salesman all my life I can read people and there body language to some extent.
If you are
talking guys that we had heated discussion with and then had coffee with,
some of them became friends and the discussion continued when we got drunk
I learned lot in Oklahoma infact I was married to a pretty,talented,christian and republican from a small town in oklahoma who I met while at college for twenty years,
I glad she converted and became a liberal. I never asked her to become a muslim
she never asked me to become a christian(mother in law is a different story)

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