The media....


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
About 12 years ago I stopped watching CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc....because I felt they were pushing a political agenda. In November of last year, I started watching the debates and hence I watched more "mainstream" media, and needless to say I was appalled how much worse things had become. It was like watching a bad train wreck IMO.

I mostly watch local news. I do get push notifications on my cell phone for "news", just because you want to keep up with major events that are happening, but many of those are agenda driven news as well, the ones that are not seem like it is really tragic news - mass shootings, etc...

12 years ago (stopped watching mainstream media) and thru today when discussing issues with people I ask people why do they believe what they hear on the news? I further tell them we are very similar to Russia in that Russians get one version of news that is propaganda and we just get 2 versions, neither of which is accurate. I get looks Iike I am crazy.

Channel surfing last night I spent about 60 seconds watching mainstream news, took all of that to learn one channel was discussing impeachment and the other acting like nothing had happened. I shit you not, 60 seconds.

How can people watch that *hit? How can they consider it news and not editorial based on tea leave readings skewed by those doing the readings and all too ready to dumb their own brains down and repeat the propaganda agenda that is being pushed by their news service?

I have felt for a long time the media is doing this country a great disservice, we do not need 24/7 "news", to fill up that many hours you have to make shit up or pawn off your own opinion as a fact?

I use to hate Washington politicians more than the media, I hate them both equally now. All of our "talking heads" in Washington and in the "news" rooms are the lowest forms of life, I am convinced of that. They lie to us, they try to control our opinion and force us to action to achieve their goals or their vision.

IMO only way a sane person can watch that crap much is too view it as comedy and just laugh at the idiots, but that is hard to do because this country deserves an honest dialogue in this country untainted by partisan politics and personal agendas. It is win at all costs and a type of greed and abuse of power that makes you think we have only scratched the surface of how much worse things are going to get, we are headed to hating each other in this country, because a small percentage of people in this country are creating a dialogue that is not healthy IMO. When are we going to wake up?

Let's assume for a second Trump did collude with Russia on the election, IMO 40 years ago we would have had real journalists that would have investigated and found the facts and exposed it, I honestly believe the media today is too stupid and too lazy, and does not have contacts due to trust issues to even get to the truth on a matter. It would be hard work, but work ethic lacks in this country. That use to be what real national and world news reporters wanted to do - they wanted the truth, they wanted to inform the American public of the facts and let the chips fall were they may.

I hope to god things change, what in the hell happened to this country?

End of rant.
Great post. I feel the same way and almost the same as you have not watched any of those news channels since maybe even earlier than you and tune in to them only at election time and situations like 9/11. This past election, I kept flipping back and forth between about 4 of them trying to discern the "real" news.
"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns… They literally know nothing.” -Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes
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"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns… They literally know nothing.” -Obama Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes
And that's the reason Rhodes said the Obama Administration used lying as a preferred method for implementing their agenda.

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