The Left and its Defense of Islam


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Apr 4, 2005
We know why the powerful dems want them. Because they aren't white and they will speed the train to making white people the minority. Why the liberal plebes fall in line with something that so obviously counters their emotional feel good political religion is insanity. Orlando has woken up a few, and you can see Obama and the like trotting out their tired points and expressing them with their serious cat faces. I hope their desperate attempt to frame guns is as transparent to some who have trusted them in the past as it is to those of us who have known better for sometime.
The lefties pissing in their mouths over the worst choices and decisions for actual Americans is nothing new. This gif needs updated to demonstrate a straw (catheter) directly to the bladder. They don't want to lose a drop these days.
I kind of agree. Do you have any opinions about the conservatives' performance?


I think it really depends on who you mean by conservative. The Paul Ryan types are complicit. Two false sides of the same coins D have offered nothing but empty lip service. Everyone is afraid to offend.

I think people who have previously been underground to some degree and are known via podcasts and YouTube channels have been the canaries in the Cole mine and saw this coming. Either they are sparking a movement or are too little too late.

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