The Fracturing of the Democrat Party

Good summary of the current commie situation.
Democrats are going to have to make a choice between what is good for the country and what is good for themselves. They have very socialist wing of the party, and they are in charge of the party. I'm sure there are democrats in the middle, but they are complicit with the socialist wing. They have a narrative problem; in that you knew what they were, and you walked in step with them anyway. The only Dem that has any credibility is Manchin, and even he was handcuffed. If they don't throw off this wing, they are going to be facing a very turbulent decade. When I say I am against the democrat party what I am really saying is I against the Marxist, socialist, fascists, and globalists of the democrat party. If they can get rid of these elements the Dems will become viable again, but if they don't, then the republicans could become the oldest party in the US. Republicans have been trying to expunge the globalists from their party, and though the action is not complete Trump is realigning the party with American values.

It warms my heart to see America turning away from these anti-American politicians on both sides.

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