I tried to find it on Uverse on demand
Episode 2 airs tonight and I can watch episodes 3 (airs next week) and 4.
Can't find episode 1, though
TiVo states it's on several times this week. Friday at midnight on USA network, 7 am, & 10 pm
The casting Is definitely different than what I had in my mind while reading.
Was really surprised they killed Havelock. I either forgot something from the books or the are going to have to change stuff up down the road
I'm still watching. It's been very good IMO. They seem to be going at a snail's pace so I wonder if people who didn't read the books like it as much as I do though.
I also agree on the casting, I'm really starting to like Amos and I hated the selection the first episode
Stumbled on this yesterday. Watched all of season 1 and am now 3 episodes into season 2.
Are there seasons after 2?
Not yet. You like?
IMO, they do an excellent job of making the technology and special effects seem realistic. I have read the entire series of novels, so I already know the story, but love the show.
Especially for a writer who has worked so extensively with George RR Martin. He's managed to avoid being infected with Martin's torpor.Oh and for those reading the books it nice to have a writer come out with a new book less then two years apart.