The Democratic Party is the world’s most successful hate group.
It attracts and unites:
-- poor people who hate rich people
-- rich people who hate poor people
-- black people who hate white people
-- jewish people who hate white people
-- hispanic people who hate white people
-- gay people who hate straight people
-- feminists who hate men
-- Muslims who hate kafir
-- Muslims who hate Christians
-- Muslims who hate gays
-- athiests who hate Christians
-- socialists who hate capitalists
-- environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine
-- college kids who hate their parents.
It attracts and unites:
-- poor people who hate rich people
-- rich people who hate poor people
-- black people who hate white people
-- jewish people who hate white people
-- hispanic people who hate white people
-- gay people who hate straight people
-- feminists who hate men
-- Muslims who hate kafir
-- Muslims who hate Christians
-- Muslims who hate gays
-- athiests who hate Christians
-- socialists who hate capitalists
-- environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine
-- college kids who hate their parents.