That animation isn't totally accurate. Acctually, the plane hit the ground and skidded 3 times and a much more considerable distance. Also, the plane broke up between the wing and the tail. The back emergency door was jammed shut and couldn't be opened and every one in the back was overtaken by smoke and fire. Nathajw, everything happened pretty quick but me and the guy sitting next to me knew something was wrong soon enough to tuck our heads between our legs. Everytime the plane hit the ground, everything in the plane would fly over our heads into the bulk head. When it was all said and done, that debris was what we climbed up on to emerge out of the fuselage onto the top of the cockpit. And yes, I still fly when I need to but I don't like it. I rarely fly for pleasure trips. As Jesus said, "Low, I am with you always"!