The Americans (Final Season) March 28th


Heisman Candidate
Dec 17, 2002
Don't know if anyone else watches this but I think it's pretty underrated overall. Final season starts March 28th.
I quit in the middle of season 3, got tired of the daughter story line. Wish I'd have stayed with it. Loved the concept and the early seasons.

I don't think you can call it underrated though. It's been a big critics favorite.
I quit in the middle of season 3, got tired of the daughter story line. Wish I'd have stayed with it. Loved the concept and the early seasons.

I don't think you can call it underrated though. It's been a big critics favorite.

Yeah I meant more that I don’t know many people that watch it. We don’t have any friends that do as much as we try to sell it. The daughter stuff has gotten better. She was never as bad as the Homeland daughter but for awhile it was headed that way.
Love the show although I thought last season was pretty average.

Agree, last season really seemed to be killing time until they can get to the finale. Much like the later seasons of Lost. Hopefully it will end better.

Overall I've liked the series. Great concept. Somewhat uneven execution at times.

I keep expecting Stan to have his big Breaking Bad moment when something happens to make him realize his best friend is a spy. Really thought that or at least some movement toward it would happen last season. Instead they spent a lot of pointless time in Nebraska and Russia.

Rumor has it the final season will leap forward toward glasnost and the fall of the soviet union.
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Stan's finally getting a clue. As long suspected Henry is unwittingly contributing. Overall the season has been good but I wish they would move it along and get to the Stan vs the Jennings showdown. I don't want that to just be the last episode. Could they be setting up Phillip to become a double agent? Its clear he going to have to choose between his wife and life as a spy and his new american capitalist life. Paige may tip the scale for him. I can see his selling out his wife but not his daughter.
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I think it's been a great season. Is it wrong that I loved it when Phillip kicked Paige's ass? She needed to be taken down a peg or two. I really don't know how this thing is going to end. Elizabeth is such a fanatic I can't see her flipping and Paige is pretty much the same way. I do think Elizabeth is going to end up banging the guy Paige likes so that could be a pretty big plot point that could dramatically alter Paige's trajectory.

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