The “Israeli Peace Proposal” That Isn’t

Would be real easy to confirm whether Israel would agree to a Ceasefire deal or not. Hamas could could accept the deal but for some reason they are not. Of course in your demented mind that is proof it's Israel's fault there is not ceasefire. SMFH.
The US and other countries need to stop publicly saying they have a deal before they have a deal. It's only harmful, and makes the US look weak when the deal doesn't go through. Offering money to Hamas or Israel also looks weak. "Please stop fighting and I will pay you." When the war is over then you can negotiate aid.
Biden and everyone in his administration is weak, what else would you expect but a weak response. The proper response needs to be to Iran not Hamas but Biden and Obama loves them some Iran, that will never happen.
So, what I said above. Got anything new.
I’m glad to see you agree with me the supposed “ceasefire proposal” was nothing more than a propaganda stunt that others on this board bought into.
If it was just a stunt, Hamas should have signed up immediately and made Israel look like the fool who wouldn't accept peace. Instead, Hamas said "nah, we're good with Palestinian civilians serving as cannon fodder to protect our troops. It makes for great anti-Israeli propaganda."
Let's say a ceasefire is agreed to and a peace agreement is reached. Does anyone believe that will solve the problem? If you think as I do, it will not, why in the hell do you support something that doesn't solve the problem.
Let's say a ceasefire is agreed to and a peace agreement is reached. Does anyone believe that will solve the problem? If you think as I do, it will not, why in the hell do you support something that doesn't solve the problem.
You have to start somewhere though. But there are bare minimums imo of a peace settlement. Anything that doesn't release 100% of the hostages immediately should be a non-starter.
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You have to start somewhere though. But there are bare minimums imo of a peace settlement. Anything that doesn't release 100% of the hostages immediately should be a non-starter.
I wonder if Hamas would trade their organization for a two-state solution?
Let's say a ceasefire is agreed to and a peace agreement is reached. Does anyone believe that will solve the problem? If you think as I do, it will not, why in the hell do you support something that doesn't solve the problem.
Hamas will start back immediately with firing rockets and attempting border incursions. Israel will be blamed for breaking the ceasefire.
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You have to start somewhere though. But there are bare minimums imo of a peace settlement. Anything that doesn't release 100% of the hostages immediately should be a non-starter.
We've seen what the bare minimums have gotten us, in war after war after war, only this time the issue is being used to further divide America and it's people. The bare minimum is no longer acceptable, we need a solution that solves the problem once and for all.
The way I see it the Israelis and the Palestinians will never be able to live in peace as long as they live in close proximity. To much distrust and absolute hate on both sides that can never be solved. When you look at the issue from that perspective there are really only two feasible options. We either separate them by thousands of miles or we sit back and let them fight it out until one side decides peace is the better option and accepts it. Only then can the problem be solved and we have lasting peace. It's worked that way in every war that has ever been fought.
Am I? Are you saying that, or is that the opinion of some Australian Youtuber?
Biden’s proposal required both parties to write an official response to the three elements contained therein. Hamas replied fairly quickly accepting the first element but having issues with elements two and three. As far as I know Israel has never responded officially, but publicly said it was a no go, and claimed Hamas said no to the whole proposal, which was typical Israeli fabrication. Israel has made it clear it will never accept a cease fire unless they have permission to keep killing Palestinians, which is no cease fire at all. Hamas says no cease fire unless Israel ceases firing. It’s quite a tangled mess.
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Biden’s proposal required both parties to write an official response to the three elements contained therein. Hamas replied fairly quickly accepting the first element but having issues with elements two and three. As far as I know Israel has never responded officially, but publicly said it was a no go, and claimed Hamas said no to the whole proposal, which was typical Israeli fabrication. Israel has made it clear it will never accept a cease fire unless they have permission to keep killing Palestinians, which is no cease fire at all. Hamas says no cease fire unless Israel ceases firing. It’s wuite a tangled mess.
Got yourself in a pickle now Dan.

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