If these self-serving, politicizing punks in the media, in politics and in our every-day lives (like on this board) want to make "white nationalism" a thing, if they keep pushing hard enough, they will get what they wish for.
There is nothing wrong with being white or being a nationalist. I am both. And to date... I've never killed a person.
I am surprised that none of of you are talking about the 29 people who were killed and the killers agenda.
Was everybody killed was part of a minority and really doesn't matter.
If these self-serving, politicizing punks in the media, in politics and in our every-day lives (like on this board) want to make "white nationalism" a thing, if they keep pushing hard enough, they will get what they wish for.
There is nothing wrong with being white or being a nationalist. I am both. And to date... I've never killed a person.
What’s there to say?I am surprised that none of of you are talking about the 29 people who were killed and the killers agenda.
Was everybody killed was part of a minority and really doesn't matter.
I am surprised that none of of you are talking about the 29 people who were killed and the killers agenda.
Was everybody killed was part of a minority and really doesn't matter.
It would be Trump’s fault.Ok let me ask the same question in another manner. What if the killers of both these episodes were ISIS operatives how would you have react.
Guns would be the problem, not ISIS.Ok let me ask the same question in another manner. What if the killers of both these episodes were ISIS operatives how would you have react.
Christianity would be blamed.Ok let me ask the same question in another manner. What if the killers of both these episodes were ISIS operatives how would you have react.
Ok let me ask the same question in another manner. What if the killers of both these episodes were ISIS operatives how would you have react.
Anti-white male messaging sure does motivate the feeble minded.
He will never get or admit this. The media has provoked the weakest minded of the white heard and they’ve gotten people killed.
Aaaaaaand yet another wingnut killer.
Anti-immigrant messaging sure does motivate the feeble minded.
Cue more talking points about antifa, amirite?
And the internet/social media connects the mental ill to all the wrong people once they are provoked.
What groups did the killers belong to?Ok let me ask the same question in another manner. What if the killers of both these episodes were ISIS operatives how would you have react.
@Syskatine Here's one of your wingnuts. Lots of these types running around. All motivated by the message of the left's reprobate souls in politics and the media. And you.
In you pea sized brain head get it in your head I don't give a shit if you are white or blackYou seem to have it somewhere in your pea-sized brain that we are all just a bunch of white guys who have nothing to do with anyone who isn't white. That thinking is shaped and formed by the reprobate souls you listen to and read. Your mind is like clay. They can shape and form that mush into any shape they desire, and send you out to do their dirty work, and you do it well.
I'd be willing to bet that a large majority of the conservatives and moderates who post here have a large number of minority friends both American and nationals. I do. I have more friends who are minorities than I do white friends. Hispanic, Northern African and Asian. So cut the crap. You're just a programmed instigator of hate.
In you pea sized brain head get it in your head I don't give a shit if you are white or black
You are Americans and it seems the only thing that matters to you is Trump,you don't give a shit about your veterans,you dont care if innocent lives are lost because of white nationalist racist you have become HyPOCRITES
In you pea sized brain head get it in your head I don't give a shit if you are white or black
You are Americans and it seems the only thing that matters to you is Trump,you don't give a shit about your veterans,you dont care if innocent lives are lost because of white nationalist racist you have become HyPOCRITES
In you pea sized brain head get it in your head I don't give a shit if you are white or black
You are Americans and it seems the only thing that matters to you is Trump,you don't give a shit about your veterans,you dont care if innocent lives are lost because of white nationalist racist you have become HyPOCRITES
What groups did the killers belong to?
But to answer your question there would be one group talking about how bad ISIS is and what we need to do to stop them.
And another group and the media writing stories about Islamaphobia.
This country has such a weak stock of political leaders it is pitiful