Personally it will be when he retires in disgrace, waving as he boards Marine One in Nixon fashion.
If that comes to be, it will be traced back to the Comey decision. Dumb is as dumb does.
gonna be a long 6.5 years for you. I’ll say a prayer and try to use google more often.
gonna be a long 6.5 years for you. I’ll say a prayer and try to use google more often.
You changing jobs then?I'll say a prayer, because he needs it, but any way I can wean myself off of Google I'm taking.
I'll say a prayer, because he needs it, but any way I can wean myself off of Google I'm taking.
Try Duck Duck Go— I’ve been using it a while and don’t miss G.
It’s a minor adjustment at first, but you’ll get used to it and won’t regret the switch (ever).
You changing jobs then?