Texas: 14 Rep Congressmen defeated over School Voucher block attempt


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
Good news for getting things sorted out. Seems Texas is cleaning up it's Uniparty Republicans.
Let's Make America Great Again!

Abbott’s effort to pass school choice died last fall when 21 House Republicans – mostly from rural districts – voted to strip a voucher program out of a larger education bill. Of those 21 voucher opponents, 15 now aren’t returning. The coalition defeated six GOP incumbents in March, then three more in last week’s run-offs. Additionally, the group filled four of the five retiring Republican seats with voucher supporters, and then a voucher backer won a special election run-off.

Who are the “us” of which you speak? Are leftists, progressives, Democrats included in your “us?”
Of course, I'm not a leftist that thinks it's my way or the highway. The reason this is an issue is due to leftist within public education not including those that don't agree with leftist. With vouchers concerned parents are no longer trapped into a failing school and can look for other options without having to move their residence. You know a thing called "freedom".

When my kids were little, daughter was 8 son was a newborn, we lived in a decent community but the school system was not what my wife and I were looking for. We had to sell our house, at a loss at the time, and purchase a new home in a school district more to our liking. Have lived here ever since, kids received a great primary education, had success in athletics, went onto receive college degrees and the son was able to play Football for OSU. Worked out great for us because we had the means to move into a successful school district. Many people don't have that ability, especially now with the economic condition but with school vouchers they will have a much easier time. That's a win for the people IMO.