Tested positive for Flu A


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2005
Strange. I rarely leave my house. I work from home as I have been fond of noting, and rarely do I actually venture into the company of my fellow man much farther than necessary in any given week....

But, my stepson wanted me to start taking him to the gym, so I have been doing that for the last few weeks. I would imagine that was the culprit. I know there can be many vectors....but it appears that the Flu is making another run at us again. Had a conversation with a doc friend of mine that works urgent care...said its making a bit of another pass.

Anyway, yall been warned. But, there's really nothing you can do's all pumped into the air so the drug companies can get rich right?? Sure seems that way lol.

Jeezuz...I can see why people die from this crap. Chemo never made me feel this damn bad.

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