Term Limits


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Aug 7, 2001
Upper Arlington, OH
Trump wants them introduced during his first 100 days.

Douchebag McConnell has vowed to fight against them.
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absolutely will also be an easy way to get people to focus their angst on people who have been in congress wayyyyyyy to long.

Would be better to do it through States Convention though, and just add another amendment to the constitution that enshrines term limits. They also need to be bound by the same laws they pass.
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Term Limits would be awesome, but, I actually agree with Mike on this. Almost impossible to get passed through any Congress.

A States Convention would be a historical event and could really bring a unity to the Country or could split it into several countries. Who knows.
I actually agree with Mike on this.

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I'm for this, and a law that states that elected officials can't serve as lobbyists for an equal amount of time as they held their office. So if you were in office for 2 years, you have a 2 year prohibition from becoming a lobbyist.

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What if he grandfathered in all current senators?
What if he grandfathered in all current senators?

Still won't happen....they are still party focused and driven.

i really think has to know this is mostly a non-starter, but is doing it for leverage and talking points against established legislators.
grandfathering sounds like a good plan and would be fair enough imo. Then it's up to the people to vote out the sorry sob's that say no to that proposal.
You can't do this with legislation. Gonna have to be Constitutional amendment.
Yeah I'm not sure which amend method would be used and I don't know the details, but I'm assuming politicians would be involved however the amend is them out if they push back.

I don't know that American voters are focused enough to make that happen....but I feel like we have some swagger right now trump needs to capitalize
absolutely will also be an easy way to get people to focus their angst on people who have been in congress wayyyyyyy to long.

Would be better to do it through States Convention though, and just add another amendment to the constitution that enshrines term limits. They also need to be bound by the same laws they pass.


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