Should be for a 2 year term and if you miss a certain number of votes you should be kicked out and replaced automatically.
Should only be able to serve 3 terms and then you are done.
Each congressman should list 4 major platform items prior to going up for election that they are supporting. If they then fail to vote for a bill that is one of their 4 major platform items they are removed from office, try to give some accountability to the congressman that promise to do something and get elected on that basis and then ignores those that voted for them.
The accounting and budget office should be privatized and be non-partisan so that budget projections and economic impact of proposals are more accurate.
Legislative filibuster needs to be eliminated. Balanced budget amendment, only exception would be to finance a war.
Create a federal budget to pay for political campaigns, each congressman gets the exact same amount and no more. Each political party in their own state determines their candidate, and budgets could be set at the state political runnoff levels as well. No more private campaign contributions, and individuals own money can not be used. Create a federal website in which candidates can communicate with voters via written and video format. Content does not allow for personal attacks, only addesses your agenda and plans once in Washington. This would be better then getting these meaningless ads on TV that just throw mud.
Eliminate all lobbyists.
Should be almost a volunteer position that only reimburses for travel and food, could be fixed stipend. Assistance program would be available based on the averaging of your last 3 tax returns. You want people that are not rich to be able to run and serve, but it is a position of service, not a career job or to become rich. You want someone that can live comfortably and do their job and be happy.
If you are an extremely rich congressman perhaps they could require you to make a donation to the assistance program for the congressman that are wealthy. Show a commitment to be a humble servant if you have been fortunate enough in this country to be wealthy and not just here to line your pockets.
Might even be able to build a nice residence area with cafeterias, urgent care, day care, schools, etc... To help house the congressman that need assistance.
Something could be figured out, you do not want just the rich serving. It should be a position available to all. Poor people most likely would never get elected, so realistically you are looking at a pool of rich to middle class. Many in the middle class will be poor people who worked up to the middle class.
Some in our military get paid squat and risk their lives and work horrible hours, these people serve their country, so should our congressman, it should be a true calling to serve for a short period of time and get new blood in.
Everyone in congress does not need to show up in $1,000 suits, etc..Do some things to make it cheaper to serve.
There should be no retirement benefits.
Some minimum requirements should be set in terms of age, education, and numbers of years you have been U.S. citizen. No prior felonies and perhaps a few other criminal convictions. You should have to be able to pass a test that shows you have an understanding of how the 3 branches of the government work.
Elections should allow time to allow new congressman to go thru a training program and briefed on matters important to the government and our national security.