30 years ago today: https://ricochet.com/437031/30-years-ago-today-tear-wall/
A friendly reminder: the wall in question was designed primarily to keep people in. It was also mostly effective.But it was such a "big, beautiful" wall....and walls work.
A friendly reminder: the wall in question was designed primarily to keep people in. It was also mostly effective.
The distinction between the two is actually pretty vital to any (semi?) serious conversation about a wall. To not acknowledge that is really pretty silly. Which, I guess you admittedly were being.A friendly reminder:
Some people just can't help but seriously respond to an admittedly (in advance, I will add) smarmy, ridiculous, trolling comment.
But since you went there.
The wall in question was arguably designed to keep people out of West Berlin and the new wall jokingly referenced is arguably designed to primarily keep people in Mexico. More accurately, walls are barriers specifically designed to keep people on whichever side of the wall they happen to be on when it is built.
That is....if we were having a serious conversation regarding walls.
Which we are not.
At all.
The distinction between the two is actually pretty vital to any (semi?) serious conversation about a wall. To not acknowledge that is really pretty silly. Which, I guess you admittedly were being.
If I was having a serious conversation about a wall.
Which I am not.
At all.