Taylor Swift endorses Kamala

Kumula and her ABC team beat no one on her national debate stage. Both campaigns are shouting to the world what their internal polling is telling us. EvilPOKES and the board's majority gets it. This is not hard. Logic and arithmetic is simple for the board's majority. Kumula wants a second debate, Trump does not.
Kumula and her ABC team beat no one on her national debate stage. Both campaigns are shouting to the world what their internal polling is telling us. EvilPOKES and the board's majority gets it. This is not hard. Logic and arithmetic is simple for the board's majority. Kumula wants a second debate, Trump does not.
Trump will go do Town Halls, set more viewership records, and that will force Kamala to try to do the same. She won't be able to and will make a complete fool out of herself after her first attempt. Trump will do more, Kamala will not, people will ask 'Why won't Kamala talk to the American people like Trump does?"

Trump is always 4 steps ahead.
(1) Embarrassed and beat Trump on the national debate stage. September 10, 2024.
3v1 and still didn't address ANY of the questions she was presented. Lied about her positions multiple times and, shocker, was not fact checked.

Try again.

You have been praising her for months and you STILL haven't given any tangible "accomplishments". I genuinely asked and still have never gotten anything worth a piss. If you can't, just say it.
Both campaigns are shouting to the world what their internal polling is telling us.
You mean the same internal polling that led you to make this prediction back in 2020...
Trump got 304 in 2016. More in 2020. Arizona stays red. I would be solid Nevada if the Dimms didn't control mail in. I think Maine goes all red. New Hampshire flips. Minnesota flips.

Kumula wants a second debate, Trump does not.
Her name is Kamala.

And yes, Trump is now scared to debate Harris. Harris clearly beat Trump. Beat him so bad he refuses to debate again!🤣🤣

Wake up. Stop looking so foolish.
Trump will go do Town Halls, set more viewership records, and that will force Kamala to try to do the same. She won't be able to and will make a complete fool out of herself after her first attempt. Trump will do more, Kamala will not, people will ask 'Why won't Kamala talk to the American people like Trump does?"
lol, but he won't debate Harris. He won't stand on the stage again with her because he is afraid of her. He got embarrassed on national TV by Harris and now he is scared to debate her again.

And no one is asking why Trump won't debate Harris again because everyone knows. You know too, although you will never admit it to yourself or on this board. He is flat out afraid to debate her again after she beat him like a drum.
Do you repeat everything Trump says and tells you to repeat? Are you really this brainwashed and easy?

Grow a pair and stop letting Trump control you.

still didn't address ANY of the questions she was presented.
Yes she did. She answered every question she was asked, talked about her plans, and then turned and baited Trump. And he took the bait every time and looked crazy.

Then Harris laughed at him lol.

She completely owned the debate and Trump. And it drives you cultists nuts.

Lied about her positions multiple times and, shocker, was not fact checked.
If this is true (it isn't) but if this is what you want to believe, why didn't Trump fact check her? Why didn't he take it to her? Why didn't he do his job as a candidate?

Instead, he looked angry and rambled on about nonsense. He made up lies about people eating dogs and looked insane. He completely failed in the debate in every way a candidate could fail.

You want to be upset with someone, be upset with Trump. He allowed himself to be exposed by Harris. He is the problem, not her, not ABC, not her earrings lol. Trump is.

Hold him accountable for once. Is that even possible for you to do?
lol, but he won't debate Harris. He won't stand on the stage again with her because he is afraid of her.
According to you, he's displaying leadership and that he's in total command of his campaign. I agree with you, it's very inspiring.

The loser got her one chance, and she blew it. Be grateful that Donaldus Magnus gave her that.
Do you repeat everything Trump says and tells you to repeat? Are you really this brainwashed and easy?

Grow a pair and stop letting Trump control you.

Yes she did. She answered every question she was asked, talked about her plans, and then turned and baited Trump. And he took the bait every time and looked crazy.

Then Harris laughed at him lol.

She completely owned the debate and Trump. And it drives you cultists nuts.

If this is true (it isn't) but if this is what you want to believe, why didn't Trump fact check her? Why didn't he take it to her? Why didn't he do his job as a candidate?

Instead, he looked angry and rambled on about nonsense. He made up lies about people eating dogs and looked insane. He completely failed in the debate in every way a candidate could fail.

You want to be upset with someone, be upset with Trump. He allowed himself to be exposed by Harris. He is the problem, not her, not ABC, not her earrings lol. Trump is.

Hold him accountable for once. Is that even possible for you to do?
I watched it a good bit of the debate. Everything I said was true, not sure what you're getting at, but perhaps you're too blind to realize it. I am not a supporter of either candidate and don't think either are the best choice. Unfortunately, they're the choices. Trump wasn't exposed and Harris proved nothing.

Do you just repeat everything the leftist talking heads say?

Where is your Harris Accomplishment list? Still waiting for that beacon of truth to be revealed by you. Blind. Just blind.
According to you, he's displaying leadership and that he's in total command of his campaign.
What are you talking about? I never said this about someone refusing to debate.

Stop lying.

The loser got her one chance, and she blew it. Be grateful that Donaldus Magnus gave her that.
lol, still delusional I see.

Again, Trump was clearly the loser. He claimed he wanted to debate Harris numerous times until he lost the first debate. Now, he is refusing to debate her again because he knows he can't beat her on a debate stage.

Your boy is scared of Harris. Own it.
I am not a supporter of either candidate and don't think either are the best choice.
So you aren't voting for Trump then, correct?

Trump wasn't exposed and Harris proved nothing.
Yes he was and yes she did. Even some rational right-wing sources have admitted this.

It was clear Harris won the debate. Very clear for anyone who doesn't feel the need to defend Trump all the time.

Where is your Harris Accomplishment list? Still waiting for that beacon of truth to be revealed by you. Blind. Just blind.
Since you claim to not be a Trump supporter, why aren't you asking for Trump's accomplishment list?

btw, I've given you her accomplishments in the past. I've answered this question from you already. You just refused to accept the answer.
So you aren't voting for Trump then, correct?

Yes he was and yes she did. Even some rational right-wing sources have admitted this.

It was clear Harris won the debate. Very clear for anyone who doesn't feel the need to defend Trump all the time.

Since you claim to not be a Trump supporter, why aren't you asking for Trump's accomplishment list?

btw, I've given you her accomplishments in the past. I've answered this question from you already. You just refused to accept the answer.
Deflection. Deflection. Deflection.

Who are these sources? Where is that information? Please share.

You've never given any of her accomplishments, you've given me a damn bill to read lol. Stop being obtuse and just admit your FOS.
3v1 and still didn't address ANY of the questions she was presented. Lied about her positions multiple times and, shocker, was not fact checked.

Try again.

You have been praising her for months and you STILL haven't given any tangible "accomplishments". I genuinely asked and still have never gotten anything worth a piss. If you can't, just say it.

But that’s not how he’s architected this troll game is his head, so…
Who are these sources? Where is that information? Please share.

You've never given any of her accomplishments, you've given me a damn bill to read lol. Stop being obtuse and just admit your FOS.
Again, I've given you her accomplishments. I'm not going to keep doing this over and over again with you when you clearly aren't interested in accepting the answers given to you.

btw, yes or no, are you voting for Trump in this election?
  • Haha
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Almost all polling and focus viewers disagree with him.
lol, you really do live in a fantasy world.

Poll after poll showed that Harris won. Almost all the focus groups said she won.

It is like you just believe the opposite of the truth all the time. I don't think I've ever met someone so delusional. Intentionally delusional too.

Half nickel is scared to death cause he knows how bad Kamala is. He's desperately trying to put on a brave face, but he sees the same trainwreck we do.
There you go again, projecting lol!
Yes I have. Do I need to share the thread where I most recently answered your question?

Stop lying. I've answered your question. You just didn't want to accept the answer.

So who you voting for? Third party candidate or just not going to vote?
I legit don't remember you providing any answers outside of providing the bill that was full of trash.

And, likely abstaining on the presidential vote, as I said, I am not a fan of either and I don't know much about Jill Stein or the other guy.
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I legit don't remember you providing any answers outside of my providing the bill that was full of trash.

And, likely abstaining on the presidential vote, as I said, I am not a fan of either and I don't know much about Jill Stein or the other guy.
Jill Stein is openly marxist. I’m guessing the “other guy” is the American Solidarity candidate. I wouldn’t call them “marxist”, but they’re certainly anti-capitalist. Democrooks are trying to be stealth marxists, plus they’re trying to normalize a host of sexual perversions. The GOP is the only party whose platform reflects the values of normal, traditional Americans.
He said she beat Trump in the debate. Almost all polling and focus viewers disagree with him.

Half nickel is scared to death cause he knows how bad Kamala is. He's desperately trying to put on a brave face, but he sees the same trainwreck we do.
I believe half nickel actually believes Kumula isn't as bad as she actually is. He believes she and Joe received an all time record 81 million votes. Joe and Kumula couldn't draw 5 cars to a Jack-in-the-Box Drive thru. Remember the AZ campaign rally where NOBODY showed? Anyone who's slept through a course in arithmetic knows Joe and Kumula are illegitimate.

I recommend Rigged by Mollie Hemingway and the documentary film 2000 Mules. Pages 339-423 of Ms. Hemingway's book is Notes. Compelling. Ms. Hemingway is only one of our most respected investigative reporters.