Tax cuts are working

This shows nothing lol...conversative spin doctors at work. How do you explain such slow growth in Q1, even with the hundreds of billions repatriated?
This shows nothing lol...conversative spin doctors at work. How do you explain such slow growth in Q1, even with the hundreds of billions repatriated?

Tax cuts hadn't taken full effect yet. Most individuals didn't see a change in their withholdings until mid Feb so there was muted consumer benefit from the tax changes. As for corps, repatriating money and defining uses takes time to schedule and implement. Corps aren't going to repatriate money they don't have a plan to spend and building those capital plans takes time.
Tax cuts don’t cause debt. Spending does.
How true. Tax cuts result in more revenue being collected. Unfortunately, those who control the purse strings know nothing about using the windfall to pay down debt. They just double down on spending.

Of course, tax cuts haven't reach basements throughout Oklahoma yet. They're being used to support basement gnomes and thus are never seen.
Of course, tax cuts haven't reach basements throughout Oklahoma yet. They're being used to support basement gnomes and thus are never seen.
Funny guy laughing hysterically.gif
Rich getting richer, middle class it lol.
Two things:
1) unemployment has dropped, a many people went from no income to having income, so no, not just rich get richer.
2) have you ever been employed by a poor person?
There are a lot things Dems could argue about but if they want to go down this path of bad mouthing an economy that is red hot I say power to them.

As far as wages many major employers like Walmart, Target and others have announced wage hikes so that's a loser argument as well. Manufacturing jobs Obama said we're gone forever are flooding back.

The only thing Dems can hang their hat on is that Trump Derangement Syndrome is so wide spread that their SJW nut job base turns out in droves.
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There are a lot things Dems could argue about but if they want to go down this path of bad mouthing an economy that is red hot I say power to them.

As far as wages many major employers like Walmart, Target and others have announced wage hikes so that's a loser argument as well. Manufacturing jobs Obama said we're gone forever are flooding back.

The only thing Dems can hang their hat on is that Trump Derangement Syndrome is so wide spread that their SJW nut job base turns out in droves.


“Real average hourly earnings for all employees increased 0.1 percent from May to June, seasonally
adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This result stems from a 0.2-percent
increase in average hourly earnings combined with a 0.1-percent increase in the Consumer Price Index
for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U).

Real average weekly earnings increased 0.1 percent over the month due to the change in real average
hourly earnings combined with no change to the average workweek.

Real average hourly earnings were unchanged, seasonally adjusted, from June 2017 to June 2018. Real
average hourly earnings combined with a 0.3-percent increase in the average workweek resulted in a
0.2-percent increase in real average weekly earnings over this period.”

Try again lol
Looks like the emoloyment numbers for mfg are moving up on your graph so that's a fail.

Stick with the bad economy thing. PLEASE.

Hope it works out for you lol.
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Looks like the emoloyment numbers for mfg are moving up on your graph so that's a fail.

Stick with the bad economy thing. PLEASE.

Hope it works out for you lol.

Moving up, since early obama lol...what a hoot!
My bad. I didn't realize you are sooo stupid you would post a graph from 2014 and claim it proved your point in 2018.
My bad. I didn't realize you are sooo stupid you would post a graph from 2014 and claim it proved your point in 2018.

Lol...*can’t defend Obama recovery of manufacturing jobs after another Republican shitheap performance*

Ignorance heard haha
Never post anything from politfact again, ok? They are about the same as infowars.

I’ll post as I please lol. And when politifact is sued for being a conspiracy theory peddler, this dumbass argument will hold a drop of water haha

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