Targeting of Russia

Just trying to blame someone, anyone, else for the democrat's total incompetence in running government the past 8 years. Amazing that some propaganda media actually are saying this report is bogus given all the other bogus things they have covered up.
The article described the report as 'fatally flawed'. I totally agree. There just isn't any attribution proof in that report at all.

Hell, there's more data that suggests the US Government was responsible for the DDoS attack on Drudge Report the other day. But that could also just be compromised security cameras in the various agency networks.
Hopefully, with a more law and order administration, all the other bogus bullshit these clowns have done comes to light. Behind the scenes, I believe Obama et al have done things which will shock even "true believer" liberals. He may still have several of those surprises left to play. He was better suited for an African despot than president.
See while most open minded and fair people are willing to accept that the Russians did indeed influence the election, given proper proof. Most, maybe all, butt hurt liberals have already had the narrative fed to them by the rodent in chief, media, Hildabeast etc etc and so facts ne damned! The Russians are behind Trumps win and nothing will change their lil minds.
Had Hillary Clinton won this country would've been involved in a needless fracas with Russia, muy pronto. The globalists were nearly orgasmic while fantasizing about a conflict with Putin, using Red America's sons to do it. All while allowing Muslims into western countries so they can attack people for reading the Bible in public (in Austria yesterday).
Hopefully, with a more law and order administration, all the other bogus bullshit these clowns have done comes to light. Behind the scenes, I believe Obama et al have done things which will shock even "true believer" liberals. He may still have several of those surprises left to play. He was better suited for an African despot than president.

Naw, they'll just make excuses for it, say "but Bush, or call it a vast right wing conspiracy and fake news.
Behind the scenes, I believe Obama et al have done things which will shock even "true believer" liberals.
Nothing will shock the sycophants. 0bama could tell them they must eat their own feces once per day to advance the progressive agenda and they would without complaint or question. Hell, they'd probably call the rest of us coprophobic and tell us the reason we won't eat our poop as instructed is because it's brown and we're racist.
Nothing will shock the sycophants. 0bama could tell them they must eat their own feces once per day to advance the progressive agenda and they would without complaint or question. Hell, they'd probably call the rest of us coprophobic and tell us the reason we won't eat our poop as instructed is because it's brown and we're racist.


Too true.

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