Take a victory lap.

Although the hydra headed monster lives on, and will continue to menace POTUS, we can bask in the glow of this victory.

Drink, drink and be merry.:p

Don’t forget your daily bread!
When they can prove criminal charges and convict those that were involved in the Steele Dossier is when I really celebrate.

People have to pay, if Flynn and Mannafort can go to jail, the real criminals that tried to stage a coup need to be put away for life. Personally, they should go for treason and fry them. I will settle for them dying in jail.

There has to be serious consequences, people have to be held accountable. This is how you drain the swamp, you teach Washington DC no one is above the law.

We need the real Russian colluders to pay the highest price.

I am more pissed off over this today than I was yesterday. I already knew Trump was not criminally involved with Russia, we learned today this was a sham investigation, the so called insurance policy, designed to over turn an election. Our election was tampered within OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, that is your conspiracy. There is no doubt after today. The next act is going to play out, I hope they can build the evidence and make the case.

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