Dildo, you're on troll probation, like stankasaurus, cankles, bleeding vagina, menstruation troll that really loves women.
It's nothing personal. Certain white trash wasn't raised to value honesty or credibility, and when they see Biff say preposterous lies on the reg they don't know any better but to think that's normal or smart, so they just generate a huge volume of really dumb and deceptive talking points that they repeat, as they think it's okay to say obviously untrue things. They just don't know any better, and while it's not really their fault, it's not mine either. We gotta have some common values or ideals to engage. Take Frank. He's batshit crazy, but he has some morality under it all. Even Frank and I can find common ground. You're just an incel troll.
To get off troll probation, you have to compare and contrast the moral distinction between yelling in a restaurant and mailing a pipe bomb. Or, you take your fellow troll's question, which is explain the difference between intellectual honesty and hypocrisy. No more than 500 words, please, Dildo.