Swamp Drainin'

Is it called the Hillary rule? Can't they just plead the Fifth? Or did Lerner, Bathroom Server Setup Boy, and Lickalotapusses Mills and Abedin use all of the Fifths up? It's tough to tell where the left is tolerant of illegal stuff and where they aren't.

I didn't express tolerance or intolerance of anything. I posted an article that recited facts about Congress enacting rules to protect them from investigations.

You responded by attacking democrats and lesbians.

I'll agree and even argue that these rules should not be allowed, if you'll agree that government leaks should be considered a treasonous offense. The issue here is that SJWs don't care about presumed innocence and only want to smear their opposition. And these supposed 'non-partisan' organizations are suddenly full of DNC operatives who are ready to run to the media with any whisper so as to play 'gotcha' politics.

But look on the bright side. Eventually Dems will regain power, and these rules will be in your party's favor. Just like the Repubs are now benefiting from many of the back-door rules enacted by Pelosi and Reid.
if you'll agree that government leaks should be considered a treasonous offense.

It depends on what is being leaked. If it's nuclear secrets like the Rosenbergs, yes, it's treason. If it merely embarrasses a lying politician and doesn't impact national security, it is a proper function of whistle blowing. Leaks about Hillary's server after the fact is probably whistle blowing. Leaks about the NSA's technology is probably closer to the treason end of the spectrum. Leaks that say Biff is melting down and doesn't know wth is going on are not. I thought the Valerie Plame leak.take down was closer to treasonous, as it outed an agent to politically punish someone.

What gets me is the leaks coming out of the White House. These aren't career bureaucrats, they're Biff's hand picked people. They even leaked about leaks. His own people hate him. You didn't see this with obama. Biff has such a narcissistic personality that nobody close to him can stand him. Omarosa, maybe.
What gets me is the leaks coming out of the White House. These aren't career bureaucrats, they're Biff's hand picked people. They even leaked about leaks. .

No. Don't you know that the leaks are coming from Obama spies, who are still in place and doing it on Obama's orders?
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