Surge of Illegal Immigrants


May 29, 2001
Edmond, OK
Thoughts on the surge being a result of the drug cartels branching out their business ventures as a result of Legal weed?
I don't think it's as much a reflection of the legalization of weed (we are only talking about two states at this point) as it is a reflection of the need for cheap, seasonal labor. After the original crackdown on immigration many in the agricultural industry had a very tough time finding labor. This gave rise to a booming black market of human trafficking. It's always been around, but the cartels simply got very good at it and the details that went along with it (falsifying identities, papers, etc).

Regardless of the cause, it is highly disturbing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I just reread your post and I thought it was titled "Sale of Illegal Immigrants" not "Surge"!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by tcpoke:
I don't think it's as much a reflection of the legalization of weed (we are only talking about two states at this point) as it is a reflection of the need for cheap, seasonal labor. After the original crackdown on immigration many in the agricultural industry had a very tough time finding labor. This gave rise to a booming black market of human trafficking. It's always been around, but the cartels simply got very good at it and the details that went along with it (falsifying identities, papers, etc).

Regardless of the cause, it is highly disturbing.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
New York legalized medical marijuana this week. Won't be long before they expand it like CO and WA.
The legalization of drugs would put the cartels out of business. No different than the bootleggers during prohibition.
Originally posted by OSUGD:
The legalization of drugs would put the cartels out of business. No different than the bootleggers during prohibition.
They don't go out of business. They just move to the next illegal yet desired thing.
Originally posted by Bitter Creek:
Originally posted by OSUGD:
The legalization of drugs would put the cartels out of business. No different than the bootleggers during prohibition.
They don't go out of business. They just move to the next illegal yet desired thing.
Like what? Guns? Even the craziest gun nut can't compare to a drug junkie in terms of demand.
I thought ours and Colombia's efforts to curtail cocaine production in Colombia had moved operations to these other countries?

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