Albacore Tunasore
Veedus Beefmunchen
Anus Mcforskinus
Brutus Sputterspew
Boris Horsbegotten
Vikally Spudchancre
Arliss Wakkencockenoffen
Galnish Garshnaugle
Swami Swogglekahn
And last but not least....
Magnus ver Mangussasson Ver Vildicaskuskus Sigmar Thorsinski
This is what happens when sports is slow and I'm watching old strongman competitions late at night.
Veedus Beefmunchen
Anus Mcforskinus
Brutus Sputterspew
Boris Horsbegotten
Vikally Spudchancre
Arliss Wakkencockenoffen
Galnish Garshnaugle
Swami Swogglekahn
And last but not least....
Magnus ver Mangussasson Ver Vildicaskuskus Sigmar Thorsinski
This is what happens when sports is slow and I'm watching old strongman competitions late at night.