Stop testing monkeys!


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Geez we have 100 million humans in the USA More than happy to take experimental shots up the arse and wear crap to cover their faces--- monkeys Don't volunteer for Jack. Let the humans test everything from now on- leave the dang monkeys alone you POS sociopath Fauci!

On a little more serious note- they're saying anyone in contact with their monkeys that crashed need to call the CDC vaccine company - what you think those monkeys were carrying?
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Kids as lab rats- from the richest most property's nation ever on the planet-disgusting

I can make a cogent argument and post without misspellings. Wish you could say the same.
I can make a cogent argument and post without misspellings. Wish you could say the same.
Cogent?! You are anything but cogent - sorry dude. I've seen more creative posts from 12 year olds.

All you know how to do is throw shots attempting to dismiss- a four year old can be trained to do that.
I don’t have to think it’s like playing basketball with Peter Dinklage.
Cornhole I barely have to bring out my c game for you. A random post generator is likely enough.
I guess I’ll have to explain this again … I know your level

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