Stop taking the Coof tests


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Feeds into the hysteria and the games the elitists are playing with everyone .

That is all
I don't mean to keep bringing my daughter up, but she is the closest person to me that has recently had COVID. For some reason her work demands she provide a negative COVID test even though she works from home. Since her recovery she has taken two tests, with the latest results coming in Thursday. She is still testing positive but feels fine. She has another COVID test scheduled for Tuesday to meet her employer's (the federal government) requirements. Seems like a waste of time and resources to me.
per cdc:

Testing to determine resolution of infection​

The decision to end isolation and return to the workplace for employees with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection should be made in the context of clinical and local circumstances. NAATs have detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA in some recovered people’s respiratory specimens for up to 3 months after illness onset but without direct evidence that virus that can replicate or cause disease. Consequently, evidence supports a time-based and symptom-based strategy to determine when to discontinue isolation or other precautions rather than a test-based strategy. For persons who are severely immunocompromised, a test-based strategy could be considered in consultation with infectious disease experts. For all others, a test-based strategy is no longer recommended.

Under the ADA, employers are permitted to require a healthcare provider’s noteexternal icon to verify that employees are healthy and able to return to work. However, as a practical matter, employers should be aware that healthcare provider offices and medical facilities may be extremely busy during periods when community COVID-19 indicators are in the moderate to high categories (Table 2) and may not be able to provide such documentation in a timely manner. In such cases, employers should consider not requiring a healthcare provider’s note for employees who are sick to validate their illness, qualify for sick leave, or to return to work. Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness, can recover at home without medical care, and can follow CDC recommendations to determine when to discontinue isolation and return to the workplace.
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1. The tests don't work. As much as 90 percent false positives- what a joke. They don't differentiate between the Coof and the flu- it's all BS. The tests are being phased out - the whole pandemic was based on false tests. What a shame the tv news doesn't tell the truth on the tests- reason I quit watching a year ago.

2. Let's say they did work. You go to the hospital they most likely gonna kill you. So if you get the friggin sniffles take your preferred Prophylaxis and move on. If you're actually sick stay home. If you DID get a Positive test they don't do early treatments. My God it's an upper respiratory bug like the cold And other coronaViruses that they've overhyped for their money and control.

In short all the tests do is create pain, destruction, fear and problems- stop taking the fraudulent Coof tests.
1. The tests don't work. As much as 90 percent false positives- what a joke. They don't differentiate between the Coof and the flu- it's all BS. The tests are being phased out - the whole pandemic was based on false tests. What a shame the tv news doesn't tell the truth on the tests- reason I quit watching a year ago.

2. Let's say they did work. You go to the hospital they most likely gonna kill you. So if you get the friggin sniffles take your preferred Prophylaxis and move on. If you're actually sick stay home. If you DID get a Positive test they don't do early treatments. My God it's an upper respiratory bug like the cold And other coronaViruses that they've overhyped for their money and control.

In short all the tests do is create pain, destruction, fear and problems- stop taking the fraudulent Coof tests.

No test? No workie for you. Most employers add five days to the date of a positive test, then let employees come back to work. To those of you who refuse, you get to stay home and watch The Waltons every day. The do'ers will continue to contribute to society.
I have a different take.

I believe the free tests ARE to get people back to work/normal.

Stick with me here.

If they can show enough people that they have it while experiencing no or low symptoms, the dialogue starts to change from personal experience.

Omicron is the perfect variant to help people get the f&$@ out of their house if they hear enough people are largely fine.

It swept through my house last week, and it’s almost like people are bothered that I’m not bothered. They nearly always share some anecdote of someone that’s really struggling with it.

I’m sure their head would really explode to hear my unvaxxed kids were completely fine. I’m sure I’ll be called “ableist” for trusting their diet and activity level. 🙄
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No test? No workie for you. Most employers add five days to the date of a positive test, then let employees come back to work. To those of you who refuse, you get to stay home and watch The Waltons every day. The do'ers will continue to contribute to society.
Yes, but why go get tested to get that first positive test?
No test? No workie for you. Most employers add five days to the date of a positive test, then let employees come back to work. To those of you who refuse, you get to stay home and watch The Waltons every day. The do'ers will continue to contribute to society.
Doers? You're only making it all worse. Take a stand as best you can but people like you keep bending over and getting us all F'ed.

You may not can totally stop but stand up and tell them to stop the BS- I talk to every manager I can find of businesses forcing masks and shots.

Your obedience IS the problem- who is it you think you're appeasing? Bunch of corrupt evil entities.- you still have no idea who you're bending over for.
If you travel and can prove you had had it and recovered (prior 3-6 months) you can skip some of the nonsense in some places. Maybe the best reason to get a + test result.
I have a different take.

I believe the free tests ARE to get people back to work/normal.

Stick with me here.

If they can show enough people that they have it while experiencing no or low symptoms, the dialogue starts to change from personal experience.

Omicron is the perfect variant to help people get the f&$@ out of their house if they hear enough people are largely fine.

It swept through my house last week, and it’s almost like people are bothered that I’m not bothered. They nearly always share some anecdote of someone that’s really struggling with it.

I’m sure their head would really explode to hear my unvaxxed kids were completely fine. I’m sure I’ll be called “ableist” for trusting their diet and activity level. 🙄
If the tests were legit AND they had a good remedy I would agree. But the tests are total crap- total. Again a shame the news not tell you theses truths- OAN some but of course they're cancelling them
Do you call it “coof” because it reminds you of the thing between your legs?
If the tests were legit AND they had a good remedy I would agree. But the tests are total crap- total. Again a shame the news not tell you theses truths- OAN some but of course they're cancelling them

They literally prove sensitivity and specificity by comparing results to cultures incubated from the same sample. I linked Abbott rapid test as an example. If you want to argue procedure errors happen that lead to false negatives. Sure.

But the tests aren’t driving false positives. That’s just another lie you swallowed.
Yes, but why go get tested to get that first positive test?

Because people who are too sick to work are told by the employer to stay home and get tested. Yes… people really do get very sick from COVID. If a guy wants to keep his job, you follow instructions.
All I know is the government has completely screwed up the handling of COVID. Fauci, the CDC and the rest of the so-called government experts have completely failed.
You may not can totally stop but stand up and tell them to stop the BS- I talk to every manager I can find of businesses forcing masks and shots.

Don't stop there! Finish your story. Tell us about how these same managers bow down to you, apologize and promise to change their company's policies, all because of you.

Don't stop there! Finish your story. Tell us about how these same managers bow down to you, apologize and promise to change their company's policies, all because of you.

No actually most of them say it's a corporate thing and they can't do anything about it but they wish they could .

It's a simple thing there's too many sheep like you bowing down to it and not enough people standing up against it-
99.9 Percent survival and you are for ruining the country.

Are you from the same style of tyranny against the flu, against the cold, against every bug that's gonna come up in the future, people like you are the reason this thing is lingered for two years when it should've been stopped in its tracks when it first started.
No actually most of them say it's a corporate thing and they can't do anything about it but they wish they could .

It's a simple thing there's too many sheep like you bowing down to it and not enough people standing up against it-
99.9 Percent survival and you are for ruining the country.

Are you from the same style of tyranny against the flu, against the cold, against every bug that's gonna come up in the future, people like you are the reason this thing is lingered for two years when it should've been stopped in its tracks when it first started.

Did they call you “Sir”?
Or did they call you “Get the F out of here”?

You're trash. Just a mindless zombie marching wherever the big Harma and govt tell you- what a man

When they told you, "It's a corporate thing and I can't do anything about it", did you say "I understand sir", or did you tell them, "There's too many sheep like you bowing down to it and not enough people standing up against it. People like you are the reason this thing is lingered for two years." just before they kicked you out of the place?

:D 🤡😁
When they told you, "It's a corporate thing and I can't do anything about it", did you say "I understand sir", or did you tell them, "There's too many sheep like you bowing down to it and not enough people standing up against it. People like you are the reason this thing is lingered for two years." just before they kicked you out of the place?

:D 🤡😁
Here ya go 22 yes man- you woukd 100 percent take your beloved Covid fake Tests up the ass and say yes sir may I have another. What a limp noodle yellow coward.
Here ya go 22 yes man- you woukd 100 percent take your beloved Covid fake Tests up the ass and say yes sir may I have another. What a limp noodle yellow coward.

So… all this tough talk is done only behind your keyboard. Out in public, you speak with your hat in your hand and call people “Sir”.

I already knew that. LOL. :p 🤡
So… all this tough talk is done only behind your keyboard. Out in public, you speak with your hat in your hand and call people “Sir”.

I already knew that. LOL. :p 🤡
You think you can do "lol" and lol faces at the end of your yellow posts and it makes your virtuous and right? How old are you?

DidNt your wife have way more kanunas than you and give the heisman to the shots- isn't she wide awake and you're still bowing down taking it up the ass from all the elite POS?

Is she still awake and with it- does she tell you how chicken shit you are also? Just curious

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