What is the standard then? You window lickers foam at the mouth about gun control Every. Single. Time. there's a mass shooting. We can review the press clippings if you wish. You dipshits flap your arms and screech about THE CHILDREN! until you realize that nobody is listening, only to revive THE EXACT SAME SHIT after the next mass shooting. Geezus shysterkine, you can simply search the archives of this board for your own personal examples of dumbassery.
But, if one of us free thinkers brings up the fact that it isn't the guns that are problematic, it's the gang culture that is, you shit down your leg and screech RACIST! If you want anyone to take your limp dick progressive shit seriously, I expect you to be here using your grubby little dick beaters to pound your keyboard daily over the gun violence that happens Every. Single. Day. in this country because of the mindless pattern of retaliatory gang violence. Until then, you're just like the other useless mouth breathing lemmings that know nothing but what the idiots on the left tell you to know.