SQ #801 - Allow Certain Voter-Approved Property Taxes to Fund School District Operations Amendment.
I'm leaning 'yes'.
I'm leaning 'yes'.
I’m a yes. I’m tired of seeing districts build things we don’t need, like 5 star football fields at middle schools than on things that are really necessary.
How is property taxes bond money? This has nothing to do with issuing bonds, it just allows the districts more discretion on how to allocate the collected annual property taxes. It does allow an allocation to a building fund, which would basically be earmarked school funds. This would be no different then a NPO creating its own board designated fund from existing revenue streams that are from unrestricted revenues, which is not debt financing but merely a reservation of net assets for a specific use. It says nothing about approving new bonds. Seems to me if a building fund could grow over time perhaps some smaller projects could be done without bond money and they could better maintain facilities. The designated building fund’s net assets would be supported by cash or highly liquid investments that was funded by the property taxes.
I think I misread it. You are correct. I apologize for my prior viewpoints. I misunderstood it to mean that the counties could start utilizing Bond monies to cover operating expenses as referenced in Cordellhall's and ostatedchi's posts.
I think I misread it. You are correct. I apologize for my prior viewpoints. I misunderstood it to mean that the counties could start utilizing Bond monies to cover operating expenses as referenced in Cordellhall's and ostatedchi's posts.
What's going to happen is that the districts will see this new bond money as a windfall and will spend it earlier than the life of the bond itself. Then they'll need another bond to maintain their new expenditures that they had committed to via prior spending. So now you'll have obsolete debt, plus new debt, as well as other capital bonds for structures themselves. Don't get me wrong. It will be great for your kids. They will see a spending boom. But it will be a boom funded by your kids' and will impact your kids' kids.